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Today is 3. December 2024 and it's Svatoslavday 2°C | Tomorrow Barbora 4°C

Rok 2017

Stabilization of the landslide in k. ú. Ratiboř

Project STABILIZATION OF THE SESUVU IN K. Ú. RATIBOŘ is co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme Environment.

Insulation of the Kindergarten Ratiboř

The project SEALING OF RATIBOR PRIMARY SCHOOL is co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme Environment.

Collection yards - Ratiboř u Vsetína

The project COLLECTION DOOR - RATIBOR U VSETÍNA is co-financed by the European Union - Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme Environment.

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