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Datum: 2. March 2022

Article title

Collection FINISHED‼️ Thank you again to ALL donors, organizers and volunteers from the citizens of the micro-region and our Ukrainian friends.

The municipality of Ratiboř in cooperation with the Central Vsetín Microregion is organizing a collection for mothers, children and elderly Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war.

From 28 February to 2 March 2022, it will be possible to drop off these necessary materials at the Municipal Office:

  • Hygiene items: disposable diapers, pads, tampons, wet wipes, paper tissues, liquid detergents, solid or liquid soaps, shampoos, toothbrushes, toothpaste, baby hygiene items
  • Food: canned food, instant food, bottled unflavoured water, non-perishable sweets, dry food (pasta, rice, pulses, etc.)
  • Other: blankets, blankets, mattresses, sleeping bags, pillows, baby warm clothes, underwear, charged power banks

Please note that the collection items are not currently toys, adult clothes or blankets.

On Thursday, March 3, a bus and a truck with the necessary materials will be sent to the border of Subcarpathian Russia. The transport will be carried out by our Ukrainian friends who live in Wallachia and the material will be handed over to their compatriots.


Thanks to all who joined to help in the coordinated collection of food, hygiene supplies and other materials in cooperation with all the villages of the Central Vsetin Microregion - Hosht'alkova, Kateřinice, Jablůnka, Bystřička, Malá Bystřice, Oznice, Mikulůvka, Liptál, Lhota u Vsetín, Jarcová, Růžďka, Pržno and Ratiboř. In the Ratiboř Sokol Hall, a reloading station for materials from the surrounding villages was established...

Once again, THANK YOU to all donors, organizers and volunteers from the citizens of the micro-region and our Ukrainian friends.

2 trucks were transported to the "headquarters" in Karolinka, three vans from SDH Bystřička went directly to the Ukrainian border.

If you want, you can also make a financial donation, e.g. through the organization People in Need to the SOS Ukraine collection account: 93209320/0300


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