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Census 2021

Datum: 11. May 2021

Article title

Online census 27 March - 11 May on the website or mobile app, paper census 17 April - 11 May 2021

Update: Online census extended until 11 May 2021

The Census of Population, Houses and Flats is the largest statistical survey that has taken place in our territory since 1869. Like all previous censuses in the history of the independent Czech Republic, the 2021 Census is being conducted by the Czech Statistical Office.

As an event with compulsory participation for all, each census is a matter of public interest. The 2021 Census is simpler, more user-friendly and overall more efficient and safer. This is due to both modern technology and a long-term effort to remove unnecessary administrative burdens for all those who provide us with data.

In this context, communication with the general public is very important to us. We are trying to reach as many people as possible and inform them, in particular, about the possibility of being counted online. It is the quickest and easiest way to take the census. Anyone who does so will save time otherwise spent on the more laborious task of filling out a paper form.

Marek Rojecek
Chairman of the Czech Statistical Office

Online census

Youcan count online safely, easily and without contacting a census enumerator from 27 March to 11 May on this website or by using the mobile app (Andoid and iOS). You can count not only yourself but also your whole family. If you don't count online by April 9, fill out a paper census form.

Paper census

If you don't count online, fill out a paper census form between April 17 and May 11. You will get it with your reply envelope from the Census Commissioner or at the Census contact points. You will hand in the completed form in the envelope at the post office or drop it in the letterbox.

From 14 April 2021, the distribution of notices will begin with the date on which the form will be delivered to those households. The forms themselves will be delivered by the census commissioners from 17 April 2021. It will also be possible to collect the form from the census contact points set up at selected branches of the Czech Post and regional administrations of the Czech Statistical Office.

Census commissioners are specially trained employees of the Czech Post and the Czech Statistical Office. Their main task is to distribute paper census forms at a pre-announced date to those who did not enumerate online. Census enumerators have a visibly displayed ID card and are required to show their personal document (e.g. ID card or passport) on request. For more information about census enumerators, visit:

Thefollowing people are census commissioners for Ratibor:
(on this website of the Czech Post you can click on each commissioner to see the list of houses they visit)

Ondřej Malý - ID number 90-06-06295
Zuzana Janišová - ID number 90-06-05047
Josef Zahradníček - licence number 90-06-06775
Šárka Kutějová - licence number 90-06-07453

The nearest contact point is the Czech Post Office Vsetín 1
Address: Mostecká 1144, Vsetín 75501

Activity of residents in each county in Census 2021:


More information on the web :

Plakát Census 2021

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