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17th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

Datum: 22. February 2021

Article title

The meeting was held on Monday 22 February 2021 at 4 p.m. in the meeting room of the Ratiboř Municipal Office.

Extract from the 17th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

The Municipal Assembly APPROVED:

  • Budget Measure No. 10/2020
  • Opening of the primary school after the end of the state of emergency
  • Municipal Decree No. 1/2021 on the local residence tax
  • Property settlement of the land of the road II/437
  • Establishment of easement and lease agreement No 942/5/2021
  • Establishment of easement and lease agreement No 942/4/2021
  • Disposal of land 1860/2 in k.ú. Ratiboř u Vsetína
  • Allocation of flat No. 2 in house No. 337
  • Allocation of flat No. 2 in house No. 21
  • Price list of machines
  • Purchase of plot No 2557 in the Ratiboř u Vsetína municipality with an area of 1072 m
  • Contract for a future contract No IZ 12-8002133/5

TheMunicipal Council NOTED:

  • Investment actions
    - Repair of roads after the bark beetle calamity
    - Repairs of roads after flood (Hološín, Borčí)
    - Repair of the bridge at "Zahradníky"
    - SDH (new sump pump, jet pump, blower)
    - Preparation of the procedure for the PGRLF forestry equipment
    - Warning system and public address system
    - Collection yard Phase III
    - Community Centre
  • Changes in waste management
  • Repair of a digger
  • Change of the public hours of the Czech Post office in Ratiboř
  • Annual report of the Police of the Czech Republic

The Municipal Assembly DID NOT APPROVE:

  • The request of the town of Valašské Meziříčí for a contribution to the swimming school of Valašské Meziříčí, p.o.

The complete minutes of the Assembly meeting are available in the Mayor's office.

Plakát 17th meeting of the Municipality of Ratiboř

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