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Food collection

18. January 2021 | Ratiboř

Article title

for the Food Bank in the Zlín Region, z.s. on 25-30 January 2021 brought several boxes of food with a total weight of 134 kg.

Update 4. 2. 2021
The proceeds from this food collection in Ratiboř were 134 kg.
Thank you very much to everyone who participated!

The municipality of Ratiboř is participating in the food collection in cooperation with the municipalities of the Central Vsetín Microregion with the aim of helping the Food Bank in the Zlín Region, which is currently lacking canned food of all kinds (meat, vegetable or pate), soups, pasta, flour, oils, children's snacks and porridge, etc.
During the week of 25-30 January 2021, you can buy the above-mentioned foodstuffs and place them in the prepared and labelled containers directly in the shops:
  • JEDNOTA Ratiboř
  • Grocery U Karolů Ratiboř
What do FOOD BANKS do?
They are non-profit organizations that collect food and distribute it to the purchasing charities and charitable organizations. Through them, food reaches the end clients - children, the elderly, single mothers, the disabled, the homeless and the needy.Food banks obtain food from food chains, food collections, the European Food and Material Aid Programme, growers, producers and individuals.
At least 75% of the food is fast food, expired food, unsaleable food with damaged packaging or poor labelling, for example, that would otherwise end up in landfill or incineration.

You can also help by making a financial donation to the transparent account 2301557135/2010. All funds will be used to buy food for people in need...

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