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Municipal Sports Camps 2020

1. September 2020 | Ratiboř

Article title

In the summer, the municipality of Ratiboř organized sports camps for children from 3 to 12 years old, which took place in July and August.

Both this year's tours were called Getting to know the beauty of Ratibor. In the week of 27-31 July we went to Křížový, to the memorial stone of the inhabitants of the Vařák Strips and to the memorial of Jan Maniš. In the second tour on 17-21 August we went to other places in Ratibor. Namely to Kosiska and to the Ludvík Hynek Military Museum in Borč. The August camp was more rainy, but it didn't surprise us and one day we used the Ratiboř gym where we competed in the monkey race.

We all enjoyed Ratibora's nature perfectly. Besides learning about the history of the village and new places, we had fun in the forest, where we searched for mushrooms, built bunkers and played various games. The kitchen prepared delicious snacks for all the trips and we even had lunch in the countryside on two days.

On the last day of the camp there was a bouncy castle, the popular face painting and this year the mayor prepared a special surprise in the form of a misting pond. As a reward, we all got an ice lolly, which cooled us down nicely on a hot Friday morning.

Bc. Lucie Adámková
Camp leader

Photo gallery 65 fotek


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