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100 years of beekeeping association celebrated in Wallachia

Datum: 29. August 2020

Article title

HoKaRa beekeepers (Hošťálková, Kateřinice and Ratiboř) organized a celebration of the 100th anniversary in the castle area in Hošťálková.

On 29 August 2020, beekeepers from Hošťálková, Kateřinice and Ratibor, associated under the banner of the Czech Beekeepers Association, z.s., the basic organization of Hošťálková, commemorated the centenary of the founding of the beekeeping association. Its foundation is documented by an entry in the village chronicle, where its author mentioned that "since 1920 there has been a beekeeping association for Hošťálková and its surroundings, founded at the instigation of the director, a teacher, and a beekeeper. The information was brought to the membership meeting in March 2020 by a friend, Věroslav Zbranek from Kateřinice, and the newly elected chairman, Zdeněk Staněk from Hošťálková, took responsibility for this fact. The beekeepers "HoKaRa", as the modern three-leaf clover of the surrounding villages is called, organized a celebration in a short time, which was combined with a children's sports and fun farewell to the summer holidays.

Everything took place in the castle grounds in Hošťálková. The opening ceremony of the members' meeting was in the spirit of our long-time ex-member, friend Josef Teplý str. He was presented with the award "Exemplary Beekeeper" for his achievements in bee keeping and active work for our organization. He himself prepared a lecture on bee products and their processing, during which he declassified his procedures. The public was prepared a rich program, refreshments and a small beekeeping exhibition of period and contemporary beekeeping supplies, which expanded the awareness of the life of bees, beekeeping practices and the activities of our organization. A permanent exhibition of the partisan resistance in the village during the Second World War was also opened in the castle.

For children, beekeepers and other volunteers prepared several competition stations, a lucky wheel and many other attractions. Even the purely beekeeping disciplines, such as bee framing and making candles out of mesh, were very popular with the children. The program was spiced up by the performance of the Alternus Historical Fencing Group, which is gathered around our member, friend Miroslav Hlinsky from Ratibor, the male folk choir Kosáci from Ratibor, whose bandleader is also our member, friend Martin Žabčík from Ratibor, and a small concert of the Good News Bells from Kateřinice.

The weather was good for the celebration, despite the unfavourable forecast, for which we thank our recently deceased member and long-time confidant, our friend Jan Kamas from Kateřinice. He had been looking forward to the event himself and had managed to invite a few friends before his death. We believe that he was the one who kept the day running smoothly "up there". The efforts of all those who worked diligently as bees during the event were rewarded by the joy of the children and the responses of happy visitors from the beekeeping and non-beekeeping public.

At the very end of my report, it is our duty to thank the "HoKaRa municipalities", sponsors, performers, the Czech Beekeepers Association z.s. and everyone who visited us for their support. On my part, I also owe a big thank you to all our members who actively participated in the preparations and the course.

Václav Vidlář
Executive Director of ČSV, z.s., ZO Hošťálková

Accompanying program and refreshments were provided.

- Beekeeping exhibition
- tasting of bee products
- sports and knowledge competitions with prizes
- performances by artistic groups (Bells of Good News, Kosáci)
- performance of the historical fencing group Alternus
- demonstrations by the Integrated Rescue System
- grilled specialties by Karel Čunk
- Danish goulash and delicacies from the smokehouse
- Valášek brewery mini-festival
- rich accompanying programme and TOMBOLA

Plakát 100 years of beekeeping association celebrated in Wallachia

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