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Municipal slaughter 2018

Datum: 24. November 2018

Article title

On Saturday 24th November 2018, a municipal slaughter took place in the fire station.

The whole event started on Tuesday, when the first roasts were baked and the broth for the patties was cooked. From Wednesday morning onwards, the preparation of pâtés and lančmitas continued, which were then filled and turned into tins. On Thursday, the lard was rendered and the pancakes were stuffed and cooked. On Friday, the slaughter finished with the production of liver, caviar, ovaries and slaughter soup, which was chilled long into the night. On Saturday morning, preparations began for the sale, which broke out at 11 o'clock. There was a good mood at the slaughter, which was helped by the dulcimer music of Lukáš Kamas, who played throughout the day for dancing and listening. In addition to the delicacies, there was wine tasting from Mr. Jaroslav Svobodník from Kyjov, punch and beer from SDH Ratiboř. Even though the weather on Saturday was not too good, the event was a success and almost all products were sold. If anyone is still interested in buying pate, they can stop by the Municipal Office. Finally, we would like to thank everyone who helped with both the preparation and the sale.

Plakát Municipal slaughter 2018

Photo gallery 47 fotek


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