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25. May 2020 | Ratiboř

Article title

Follow the latest information and measures on the municipal website...

... and also on this website:

Contacts to the Regional Hygienic Station of the Zlín Region:

Helpline: 724 221 953 and 577 006 759 24 hours a day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
During working hours: 577 006 741, 577 006 742, 577 006 743, 577 006 745
Outside working hours in case of illness:
MUDr. Jana E. Hošková 602 156 923
MUDr. Vlasta Fojtíková 725 105 497


The Ministry of Health launches a nationwide telephone information line 1212 for citizens in connection with coronavirus.


The management of the municipality of Ratiboř would like to thank the Psychosocial Intervention Team of the Czech Republic dated 4 March 2020:

We would like to thank everyone who decided to take care of themselves and others and not to succumb to fear. They make life easier for themselves and others around them. We are thinking of people in quarantine, their loved ones, the health workers with their new burden of protective clothing; people in offices, schools, public transport and services who continue to go to work and take care of the day-to-day running of the country or to make life good for others; people who continue to care for their children or neighbours or random passers-by. Thank you to the journalists who are factually informed; to the people who think of others when they buy non-perishable food; to the joke writers on the Internet; to the children and adults who are able to live in the moment and to the people who think about preparedness.

Personally, thank you all for respecting the precautions in the OU building, in the public spaces and in all the shops. Our community's Crisis Staff evaluated the measures in place as very effective. You have helped all the doctors, pharmacists, postmistresses and shop assistants to manage their difficult situation on the front line. Thank you!

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Cancelled and postponed events
  • The 2020 spring season football events are CANCELLED!
  • March 13, 2020... the benefit performance of the play "Village of the Year" for the Vsetín Charity is CANCELLED!
  • 14. 3. 2020... Children's Bazaar is CANCELLED!
  • 20. 3. 2020... membership meeting of ZD MÍR Ratiboř CANCELLED!
  • 28. 3. 2020... the play The Eleventh Commandment (amateur ensemble KOS) CANCELLED!
  • 3.-4. 4. 2020... Easter exhibition CANCELLED!
  • 4. 4. 2020... Let's clean up Ratiboř together is CANCELLED! (postponed indefinitely)
  • 8. 5. 2020... The candles are also CANCELLED!
  • 10. 5. 2020... Children's performance for Mother's Day is CANCELLED!
  • 30. 5. 2020... Goulash King and Spring Hike with evening entertainment, all CANCELLED!
  • 13. 6. 2020... Fairy Tale Journey and Soptic's Day are CANCELLED!
  • The Welcoming of Citizens is POSTPONED indefinitely.
  • Village representatives will NOT be visiting seniors on the occasion of their life anniversary.

Current information, measures and challenges in Ratibor

Update 25 May 2020

Emergency arrangements for GP, paediatrician, dentist and female doctor
  • We treat all patients EXCLUSIVELY by appointment
  • Sick patients (fever, cough, breathlessness) - Please DO NOT ENTER THE WAITING ROOM / HEALTH FACILITY and CONSULT THE DOCTOR ON THE PHONE NUMBERS in advance of your condition:

Clinic for children and adolescents - 571 442 064 / 603 400 041 (mobile)
Doctor for adults - 571 442 135
Dentist - 571 442 065
Women's doctor - 731 116 858

  • Postpone necessary examinations/treatments!

The emergency measure is in effect from Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice

Update 25 May 2020

The municipal office is operating without restrictions!

Update 15 May 2020

There will be no Fairy Tale Journey or Sophie's Day before the holidays this year!

Update 13 May 2020

Public services back at the church

You are cordially invited back to church for public worship! Services will be in the church starting this Sunday, May 17 at 10 am. We will observe the required precautions (disinfection, spacing between families, vestments, etc.).

Dear members and friends of the Ratiboro congregation, effective May 11, 2020, the government has allowed participation in services and has mandated the followingRULESfor this:

  • No more than 100 persons shall attend the service at the same time,
  • in the worship space (church, congregation, etc.), participants in the service shall maintain a minimum spacing of 2 meters between each other, excluding household members,
  • participants in the service must disinfect their hands before entering the worship space,
  • participants in the service wear respiratory protection (nose and mouth masks) to prevent the spread of droplets, except when receiving the Lord's Supper.

Update 11 May 2020

Decision of the Mayor of Ratiboř No 371/2020 of 11 May 2020

The Mayor of the Municipality of Ratiboř, in accordance with the Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic No. 490 of 30 April 2020, cancels all preventive measures issued by the Decision of the Mayor of the Municipality of Ratiboř No. 234/2020 of 13 March 2020 and the Decision of the Mayor of the Municipality of Ratiboř No. 236/2020 of 16 March 2020.

The Ratiboř Kindergarten will open for pupils on 18 May 2020.

This Decision shall take effect on the date of its issue.

The decision is issued in connection with the favourable development of the epidemiological situation in the incidence of COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Czech Republic.

Update 4.5.2020

Release of emergency measures
  • The municipal library is open from 4 May 2020
  • Sokolovna, the field behind the Sokolovna and the football field open from 5.5.2020 (the regulation of the Ministry of Health must be observed, the coach or the leader of the group or association is always responsible for compliance)
  • Kindergarten will open on 18 May 2020
  • Primary school will open on 25 May 2020

Update 16 April 2020

Opening hours of the Collection Yard are the original

Tuesday ' 8.00-11.00 h | 12.00-17.00 h
Thursday ' 8.00-11.00 h | 12.00-17.00 h
Saturday ' 8.00-11.00 h

Due to the current situation, only 2 vehicles are allowed to enter the collection yard area.
We ask the public to follow the instructions of the operator.

Update 26 Mar 2020

Adjustments to the emergency measure
  • The Government of the Czech Republic, by its decree, has BANNED retail and service sales until April 1, 2020, and has prohibited the public from entering all restaurant establishments. This means that grocery stores, pharmacy, drug store, florist, gas station, pet food stores can remain open in our community.
  • The village of Ratiboř is not subject to the order with reserved sales hours for the elderly, as there are no shops with a sales area of over 500 m2 in the village. Seniors over 65 years of age will still be given priority in shops and in the building of the municipal office.
  • The Department of Health PROHIBITS the movement of more than 2 persons in a public place, with the exception of members of the same household.

Update 3/25/2020

Change in the hours of operation of the Collection Yard!

Collection Yard hours of operation for the duration of the State of Emergency:

Tuesday 8.00-11.00 a.m. | 12.00-5.00 p.m.
Saturday 8.00-12.00 h

Only one vehicle is allowed in the Collection Yard area. We ask citizens to follow the instructions of the operator.

Update 3/19/2020


Dear fellow citizens

Pursuant to a decree of the Government of the Czech Republic, from 20 March 2020 at 00:00, it is forbidden to move in all public places outside the residence without respiratory protection, that is, nose and mouth protection. The use of respirators, face masks, earmuffs, scarves, neckerchiefs or other devices that prevent the spread of droplets is ordered. Failure to comply with this regulation will be punishable by a fine of CZK 20 000.

Seniors over 65 years of age are allowed to enter food outlets during all opening hours. Other citizens are prohibited from entering food outlets between 8.00 and 10.00. These hours are reserved exclusively for senior citizens. The measure does not apply to the pharmacy and health centre.

There are no citizens with proven COVID-19 disease in the municipality of Ratiboř.

I would like to urge all citizens to be considerate of all doctors, pharmacists, postmistresses, volunteer firefighters, municipal employees and other volunteers, and especially the grocery store clerks who keep our supply of medicine and food flowing.

Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and discipline.

Update 3/19/2020

INFO POŠTA Ratiboř - Pensions and change of working hours

The Ratiboř Post Office announces that citizens should collect their pensions, which are paid up to and including 20 March, from the Ratiboř Post Office. From Monday onwards, citizens should wait for their pensions at home on the day of payment for the delivery person to hand over their pensions.

Change of post office working hours

Mon and Wed 8am-12pm then 1pm-4pm, on these days service will be 8am-10am for clients over 65 years of age only.
Tue, Thurs and Fri 8-11am then 1-3.30pm, on these days there will be service 8-10am for clients over 65 years old only.

Update 18 March 2020


Dear fellow citizens

By order of the Government of the Czech Republic, from 19 March 2020 at 00:00, it is forbidden to be in any public place outside the home without respiratory protective equipment, that is, nose and mouth protection. The use of respirators, face masks, earmuffs, scarves, neckerchiefs or other devices that prevent the spread of droplets is ordered. Failure to comply with this regulation will be punishable by a fine of CZK 20 000.

Seniors over 65 years of age are allowed to enter food outlets during all opening hours. Other citizens are prohibited from entering food outlets between 10:00 and 12:00. These hours are reserved exclusively for senior citizens.

The measure does not apply to the pharmacy, post office and health centre and haberdashery.

There are no citizens with proven COVID-19 disease in the municipality of Ratiboř.

I would like to urge all citizens to be considerate of all doctors, pharmacists, postmistresses, volunteer firefighters, municipal employees and other volunteers, and especially the grocery store clerks who keep our supply of medicine and food flowing.

Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and discipline.

Update 3/17/2020

Distribution of DEZINFECTION

We are working to provide disinfection for the residents of Ratiboro. The delivery should arrive by the end of the week. Once everything is ready, we will update you on the progress of the distribution.

Update 3/17/2020


Thank you all for respecting the arrangements at the OU building and food outlets. The measures put in place a short while ago have been assessed by the Crisis Staff as very effective and we will continue to implement them. You are helping all the doctors, pharmacists, postmistresses and shop assistants to manage their difficult situation on the front line.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Update 17 March 2020

Dear fellow citizens, let's ALL wear home made drapes!!!

It's the easiest measure and most importantly we have plenty of skilled hands in Ratibor that are able to sew large quantities quickly. We each need two to replace. We are providing the material and I believe many skilled seamstresses will sign up.

Let's help each other and also protect each other.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Update 3/17/2020

Municipal challenges


The Municipality of Ratibor is asking for any volunteers who are willing to help sew drapes to contact the Ratibor Municipal Office starting at 7:00 a.m. at 571 442 090. Thank you.


Update - MATERIALS ARE ALREADY AVAILABLE. Thank you for the material you are providing for making the drapes, we currently have enough. We will call on you again if needed.

We ask that anyone who can donate material for sewing the drapes to contact the Ratibor Municipal Office at 571 442 090 starting at 7:00 am. This is 100% cotton such as bed linen, tablecloths and sheets. Thank you.


We are asking all volunteers who are willing to help coordinate access to the municipal office building and food outlets to contact the Ratibor Municipal Office from 7:00 am onwards at 571 442 090. Thank you.

Update 3/16/2020

Decision of the Mayor of Ratiboř of 16.3.2020

The Mayor of the Municipality of Ratiboř, in accordance with Act No. 69/2020 Coll. - Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 12 March 2020 No. 194, on the declaration of a STATE OF EMERGENCY for the territory of the Czech Republic due to a health threat in connection with the demonstration of the presence of the corona virus /marked as SARS-CoV-2/ on the territory of the Czech Republic for the period from 14.00 hours on 12 March 2020 for a period of 30 days, and further, following the meeting of the Crisis Staff of the municipality of Ratiboř on 16 March 2020, as a prevention of the risk of the emergence and spread of COVID-19 disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, hereby orders the following preventive measures until further notice:

  1. Access to the ground of food outlets is allowed up to a maximum of 10 persons with a 2 m separation.
  2. Access to the attic of the municipal office building is allowed up to a maximum of 5 persons at a distance of 2 m
  3. An official board is set up at the Ratiboř Cinema stop
  4. The official information channel is established as TV infokanál Ratiboř
  5. Coordination of the access of persons to the buildings will be controlled by the employees of the municipality of Ratiboř and SDH Ratiboř
  6. The collection yard will be closed until further notice

This Decision shall take effect on the date of its issue.


The decision is issued in connection with the unfavourable development of the epidemiological situation in the incidence of COVID-19 caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Czech Republic.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Update 15 March 2020

General practitioner for children and adolescents - INFO

Information for paediatric patients registered at the GP's office for children and adolescents in Ratiboř and Hošťálková and their parents:

⏰ From tomorrow, i.e. 16 March 2020, from 6:00 a.m. onwards, the so-called NOUSE MODE should be in force in all PLDD offices, so please all patients and their parents to consider every visit to the doctor and contact us by phone first.

☎️ Ratiboř (tel. 571 442 064), Hošťálková (tel. 571 442 126) or mobile (tel. 603 400 041).

We will probably have to modify the operation of the practice to minimize the potential risk of transmission of COVID 19 ???? ????. Tomorrow we will still operate according to the current surgery hours. We will keep you informed of the change.

???? P.S. I realise that this is not the ideal way of communicating, but rest assured, we all have phones and we will always find the optimal course of action to help you and possibly treat your children.

Thank you for your cooperation.

MUDr. Tereza Martincová
general practitioner for children and adolescents Ratiboř and Hošťálková

Update 3/15/2020

NOSE MODE for general practitioners, paediatricians, dentists and female doctors
  • We treat all patients EXCLUSIVELY by appointment
  • Sick patients (fever, cough, shortness of breath) - PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE WAITING ROOM / HEALTH FACILITY and CONSULT THE DOCTOR ON THE PHONE beforehand:

Clinic for children and adolescents - 571 442 064 / 603 400 041 (mobile)
Doctor for adults - 571 442 135
Dentist - 571 442 065
Women's doctor - 731 116 858

  • Postpone necessary examinations/treatments!

The emergency measure is in effect from Monday, March 16, 2020 from 6 a.m. until further notice.

Update 14 March 2020

Crisis measures - Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic

The Government of the Czech Republic, by its order, has banned retail sales and the sale of services for ten days from 6.00 a.m. today, 14 March 2020, and has prohibited the public from entering all restaurant establishments.

Thus, grocery, pharmacy, drug store, gas station, pet food stores can remain open in our community.

Here is the full text of the resolution:

Following Government Resolution No. 194 of 12 March 2020, by which the Government, in accordance with Articles 5 and 6 of Constitutional Act No. 110/1998 Coll., on the security of the Czech Republic, declared a state of emergency for the territory of the Czech Republic due to the health threat associated with the demonstration of a coronavirus, referred to as SARS CoV-2, on the territory of the Czech Republic and in accordance with Article 5(a) to (e) and Article 6 of Act No. 240/2000 Coll, on crisis management and on amendments to certain acts (Crisis Act), as amended, to deal with the crisis situation, it has decided to adopt crisis measures, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 5(1)(e) and 6(1)(b) of the Crisis Act

the Government prohibits

1. with effect from 6:00 a.m. on 14 March 2020 until 6:00 a.m. on 24 March 2020, retail sales and the sale of services at premises, except for the following outlets:

  • Food,
  • computer and telecommunications equipment, audio and video receivers, consumer electronics, appliances and other household products,
  • fuel,
  • fuels,
  • hygiene products, cosmetics and other drugstore goods,
  • pharmacies and dispensaries of medical devices,
  • small domestic animals,
  • pet food and other animal supplies,
  • eyeglasses, contact lenses and related goods,
  • newspapers and magazines,
  • tobacco products,
  • laundry and dry cleaning services,
  • Internet and other remote sales,

whereby these goods and services are predominantly sold or offered on the premises,

2. effective March 14, 2020, from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. on March 24, 2020, the presence of the public in food service establishments, except for establishments that do not serve the public (e.g., employee catering, catering for health and social service providers, prison facilities); this prohibition does not apply to sales outside of a food service establishment (e.g. 3. with effect from 14 March 2020 from 6:00 a.m. to 24 March 2020 until 6:00 a.m., the operation of food service establishments located within shopping centres with a sales area exceeding 5,000 m2, 4. with effect from 14 March 2020 from 6:00 a.m., the operation of gambling halls and casinos pursuant to Act No. 186/2016 Coll, on gambling, as amended,

The Government repeals, with effect from 14 March 2020 at 6:00 a.m., points I.2. and I.3. of Government Resolution No. 199 of 12 March 2020.

Update 13.3.2020

Emergency measure - closure of kindergartens

On the basis of the decision of the founder, the Ratiboř Kindergarten is closed to pupils from 16 March 2020 until further notice.


This decision was issued due to the prevention of the risk of the emergence and spread of COVID-19 disease caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a recommendation of the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Czech Republic.

Information for parents:

  • Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, the "Application for Child Care Benefits for children under 10 years of age due to school closure" will be available for pick up - side entrance.
  • All children's lunches are excused until further notice.
  • The operating fee will be adjusted according to the time of the nursery closure.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Update 3/13/2020

PREVENTIVE MEASURES - decision of the Mayor of Ratiboř

The Mayor of the Municipality of Ratiboř, in accordance with Act No. 69/2020 Coll. - Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 12 March 2020 No. 194, on the declaration of a state of emergency for the territory of the Czech Republic due to a health threat in connection with the proven occurrence of the coronavirus /labelled as SARS CoV-2/ in the territory of the Czech Republic for the period from 14:00 on 12 March 2020. March 2020 for a period of 30 days, and furthermore, following the meeting of the Crisis Staff of the Municipality of Ratiboř of 12 March 2020, as a prevention of the risk of the emergence and spread of the disease COVID-19 caused by the new SARS-Co V-2 coronavirus, hereby orders the following preventive measures until further notice:

1) As of Monday 16 March 2020, the Ratiboř Kindergarten, which is established within the contributory organisation of the municipality of Ratiboř, Vsetín district, shall be closed.

2) Restriction of the operation of the municipal office

  • Cash payments will not be accepted
  • Fees due in 2020 will be collected by 30 June 2020
  • Payments can only be made to account No 1760659339/0800
  • The Municipal Office will be closed to the public - personal meetings will only be possible by prior telephone or email agreement.

3) Restrictions on the operation of the school kitchen

  • meals for external diners will be issued in disposable containers only
  • the school kitchen will start accepting new boarders - seniors for the duration of the emergency
  • lunches will be delivered only by home delivery and contactless handover

4) Saturday and Sunday services will be cancelled for the duration of the state of emergency in the Czech Republic. Only marriages with up to 30 people in attendance and funerals may take place without restriction.

5) Buildings will be closed - sokolovna, municipal library, svazarm.

6) There will be no visits of seniors by the municipality of Ratiboř on the occasion of their jubilee.

7) Welcoming of citizens will be postponed indefinitely.

This decision shall take effect on the date of its issuance.


The decision is issued in connection with the unfavourable development of the epidemiological situation in the incidence of the disease COVID-19 caused by a new coronavirus with the designation SARS-CoV-2 in the Czech Republic.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Update 12.3.2020

NOUZA STATUS - Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic

The Government of the Czech Republic, on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, has approved the declaration of a state of emergency throughout the Czech Republic. The state of emergency is declared as of 2 pm today for a period of 30 days.

General information

The state of emergency is declared on the basis of Constitutional Act No. 110/1998 Coll., on the Security of the Czech Republic.

The state of emergency is declared by a resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic. The Government shall immediately inform the Chamber of Deputies of the declaration of a state of emergency, which may cancel the declaration.

The duration of the state of emergency shall not exceed 30 days. It may be extended only with the prior consent of the Chamber of Deputies.

A state of emergency shall be declared as a law. The declaration, extension and lifting of a state of emergency shall be announced by other means customary in the locality, in particular by means of the mass media and local radio.

In the event of a state of emergency being declared, certain rights and freedoms may be restricted for the necessary period and to the extent necessary, pursuant to Crisis Act No 240/2000 Coll.

Citizens of the Czech Republic may be affected by the declared emergency measures, for example, in the obligation to endure a ban on entering, staying or moving in specified objects or risk areas in order to limit the spread of disease. Declared crisis measures may be taken to direct the consumption and supply of medical devices and medicines and other material means to deal with the situation, to take measures in transport, to ensure priority supply of children's, medical or social facilities or security and emergency services.

Specific measures will be added following further Government resolutions.

Update 12 March 2020

Crisis measures - Zlín Regional Football Association

The Executive Committee of the Zlín Regional Football Association, in connection with the spread of the coronavirus and the announcement of the State Security Council, has decided that:

  • the youth competitions of the Zlín KFS are postponed until further notice
  • men's competitions of the Zlín KFS - regional championship, LA cl. The competition of the Zlín ZL. A, B, LB class sk. A, B, C are postponed for the time being until April 3, 2020

The clubs will be informed about any changes in due time.

Update 12. 3. 2020

Modification of timetables of regular buses

From Monday 16 March, buses in the Zlín Region will run in holiday mode

In connection with the emergency measures issued by the Ministry of Health on Tuesday 10 March, the timetables of regular buses in the Zlín Region will be adjusted. As primary, secondary, higher vocational and higher education institutions are closed, buses will run in holiday mode from Monday 16 March 2020. This means that the reduction of bus services will mainly affect morning and afternoon services, which provide transport for pupils and students to schools.

The bus service restrictions will remain in place until further notice, but for a minimum of 14 days.

Train services remain in full operation and are not affected by the holiday scheme.

Update 10 March 2020

Extraordinary measures - school closure

The Ministry of Health, as the administrative authority competent pursuant to Section 80(1)(g) of Act No 258/2000 Coll, on the protection of public health and on amendments to certain related acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as 'Act No 258/2000 Coll.'), hereby orders the following emergency measure in accordance with Article 69(1)(i) and (2) of Act No 258/2000 Coll. to protect the population and prevent the risk of the emergence and spread of COVID-19 caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus:

I. The following shall be prohibited with effect from 11 March 2020:

  • personal presence of pupils and students at primary, secondary and higher vocational education in schools and educational establishments pursuant to Act No 561/2004 Coll., on pre-school, primary, secondary, higher vocational and other education (Education Act), as amended,
  • the personal presence of students at a higher education institution pursuant to Act No 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Additions to Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as amended.

II. This emergency measure shall enter into force on the date of its issue.


The emergency measure is issued in connection with the unfavourable development of the epidemiological situation in the incidence of COVID-19 caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Europe.

The subject of the measure is the prohibition of education in all types of schools for the purpose of protection against the emergence and spread of COVID-19. Mass education in all types of schools Page 2 of 2 poses a higher risk of disease transmission due to the high accumulation of persons in a defined area.

The measure targets all persons organising education under the above laws. This measure is one of the important prerequisites for preventing the spread of COVID-19 caused by the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the Czech Republic.

The immediate implementation of this measure is necessary for an adequate risk assessment in view of the current unfavourable epidemiological situation in the incidence of COVID-19, and therefore the date of entry into force of this emergency measure is the date of its issue.

Martin Žabčík
Mayor of Ratiboř

Requests, recommendations and offers
  • We ask all citizens to comply strictly with the orders of the Government of the Czech Republic, the Regional Sanitary Station and the Ratiboř Municipality.
  • Citizens who have been ordered to be quarantined are requested to comply strictly with the quarantine.
  • We advise the elderly to stay at home.
  • The Volunteer Fire Brigade offers seniors the possibility to arrange food deliveries.
  • The school cafeteria offers to provide and deliver lunches for seniors.

All measures are of a preventive nature.
Thank you for observing them.

If you have any questions about the situation in the village of Ratiboř, please contact the leadership of the municipal crisis staff at:
571 442 090, 731 200 918 or 603 505 096

What is coronavirus?

The term coronavirus is used for any virus belonging to the subfamily Coronaviridae. It is an umbrella term for four families of viruses that cause disease in animals and humans with varying degrees of severity. The name is derived from the characteristic sun-crown-like arrangement of the surface structures of the lipid envelope of the viruses. It can cause common ailments such as colds, coughs, breathing difficulties, and fevers. But also deadly diseases such as a respiratory disease called severe acute respiratory syndrome or MERS infection.

The new type of coronavirus, referred to as the "new coronavirus" or 2019-nCoV, or also referred to as the Wuchan coronavirus, first appeared in early December 2019 in China's Chu-bei province, which is home to the city of 11 million people, Wu-chan. Scientists have already been able to describe the genetic structure of the virus. China has released this data to the public, so that a number of expert departments around the world are now working on the research.

How is the coronavirus transmitted?

Coronavirus is transmitted from person to person through close contact. It is a so-called droplet infection that is transmitted through the air. It most commonly affects the mucous membranes of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The incubation period is between one week and 14 days. After a week of infection, the disease manifests itself in fevers that do not subside. They may be accompanied by discomfort, joint and muscle pain and soon there are signs of coughing.

Which populations are most at risk?

Groups at risk include the elderly, children, the chronically ill or immunocompromised.

Will a fabric wrap protect me against coronavirus?

Standard precautions against the transmission of infectious agents by droplets should be observed when coming into contact with a patient with symptoms of acute respiratory disease, in particular respiratory protection (mouthpiece or drape), respiratory etiquette when coughing, sneezing and sniffling, the use of disposable tissues, and hand hygiene, both for symptomatic patients and for the healthcare personnel treating them. Drapes are particularly beneficial to prevent an already sick person from spreading the disease further by the droplet route, for example, during influenza. Ordinary paper drapes are more protective of the surroundings from the person with the drape who might be infectious than of the person with the drape from those around him.

Is there a vaccine against coronavirus?

There is currently no vaccine available to protect against the 2019-nCoV virus.

So what is the treatment for this disease?

No specific antiviral treatment is recommended for 2019-nCoV infection. People infected with this virus should start supportive treatment to relieve the symptoms of this infection. The supportive treatment uses commonly available medicines. Even the World Health Organisation stresses that many symptoms of the disease can be treated. Treatment is always individual and based on the specific needs of the patient. The WHO states on its website that this treatment is highly effective.

How to protect yourself?

It is important to follow the same approach as for a classic respiratory illness, as in the current flu season:

  • avoid those who are obviously ill
  • follow basic hygiene rules
  • use disinfectant, for example, if you are in contact with people who have acute respiratory problems
  • not to stay in places with large numbers of people
  • Individuals suffering from respiratory illness should follow the rules of respiratory hygiene - i.e. use proper, preferably disposable, tissues, cover your mouth with your arm/sleeve, not your hand, when coughing and sneezing! (droplets can then be passed on)
  • of course, healthcare workers themselves should also protect themselves, as they are the ones who come into contact with patients the most

What should I do if I feel symptoms of the disease and who can I consult?

If you are experiencing symptoms of a respiratory illness (temperature, cough, muscle or joint pain, chills, shivering, etc.) and have returned from a high-risk area in the last 14 days:

  • stay at home
  • immediately contact your doctor or the epidemiologist of the Regional Hygiene Station of the Zlín Region based in Zlín by telephone and follow his instructions

How to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection?

  1. Wash your hands with soap or use an antibacterial gel containing alcohol
  2. Cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief when coughing and sneezing
  3. Avoid close contact with people who have cold or flu symptoms
  4. Ensure that meat and eggs are cooked sufficiently
  5. Wear protective equipment when in contact with wild or farm animals

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