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Welcoming of Citizens - Autumn 2015

12. October 2015 | Ratiboř

Article title

This joyful event took place on October 10, 2015.

"As in nature, so in human life there comes a time when the fruits ripen. This day has come in your life and a baby has been born. It has come into the world out of love, and you, dear parents, come today with your child in your arms and bring it to a festive welcome into life."

With these words we welcomed all the parents, their babies, guests and others present at the ceremonial welcoming of children into the union of the municipality of Ratiboř.

The festive morning and the speech of the mayor were accompanied by music by Lucy Mrlinová, performances by children from the kindergarten under the guidance of teacher Ferdicsová, and performances by the primary school pupils Natálka Vojtková and Kristýnka Holubcová.

We welcomed smiling, sleeping, but also crying beautiful babies in the number of nine, five boys and four girls. After the solemn promise, when the parents pledged to raise their children to be honest and good people, there followed the signing of the memorial book. At the end, I wished the parents much patience and dedication in raising their children and the children health, love, joy, contentment and a smile that will accompany them throughout their lives. As a souvenir, we all took a photo together and said goodbye.

The next welcome ceremony will take place in April 2016.

On behalf of the Social Commission
Mgr. Tamara Juchelková

Photo gallery 61 fotek


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