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Easter Show 2016

18. March 2016 | Ratiboř

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The exhibition took place on 18 March 2016.

It was something to see! This is the phrase that comes to mind after visiting the Easter exhibition.

The skilful hands of all those who participated in this event and the children who, under the supervision of our teachers from the kindergarten, school, after-school club and art club, once again created a beautiful backdrop in the Sokol Hall where the exhibition was held. Our seniors baked "lambs" for the show, which were especially liked by our sweet tooth.

And how did it all go? Children could paint an egg using the traditional onion technique, knit a tartar, decorate a gingerbread house
and compete in whistle blowing or clay ball frying. Mothers and grandmothers could take a look,
see how to wire or crochet an egg and watch a demonstration of bobbin making, extruding Easter motifs into tracing paper, scratching eggs, etc. Mrs. Ester had eggs decorated with straw in her basket. Representatives of Wallachian traditions came and showed how to embroider a costume, children could see how to weave baskets.

700 gingerbread houses were decorated, the scouts cooked 73 eggs in onion skins, Mr. Hastik's ears are probably not whistling from the whistles, Mr. Jelinek must be at home massaging his tired hands from knitting tartare. Mrs. Dřevojánková baked delicious slices, which disappeared with great speed.

Thank you for the voluntary admission fee, which was used for refreshments for all participants and for materials to create. We were pleased that the children enjoyed the exhibition and the prepared program. Thank you for the loan of the animals - a baby goat, a sheep and a lamb, which enhanced the atmosphere of the Easter exhibition.

Ester Miniariková and Michaela Jakubíková

Photo gallery 96 fotek


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