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Municipal camp 2018 - 2nd turnus

23. July 2018 | Ratiboř

Article title

The 2nd camp took place from 13-17 July 2018 and was called "Fairytale Camp".

On the first day of the camp, we learned some unpleasant news. Princess Kačenka was lost, and her daddy the king had announced a reward for her rescuers. Our brave children didn't hesitate and agreed to find her. To make the search easier and faster, they split into four teams. Each team first came up with a name, a flag, a mascot and a shout.

The first clue led to a fairy forest where the teams had to complete several tasks. Fairy tale creatures (Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, the Witch and the Water Witch) tested their courage, patience and knowledge of the fairy tale world.

Our wonderful volunteer firefighters were not missing this time either. They enthusiastically took care of the program and refreshments from the water cannon were also provided.

The best idea - the boat launching was carried out on Wednesday. The children made their own boats and again there was no limit to their imagination. Whichever boat goes the farthest wins. Yeah, but where do we launch them? After several weeks of drought, the creek was almost dry. Boats tended to sail upstream or not at all, making it very difficult to determine a winner. In the end, we agreed that everyone won!

This trip we also went to the ropes centre in Bílá. Upon arrival at the complex, we were already waiting for the fabulous creatures who had prepared an unforgettable expedition.

It was the last day and the princess was still nowhere to be found. We had one last task to break the spell to release the princess. After shouting the spell together, the beautiful princess Kačenka finally appeared. As a thank you for rescuing us, she handed out lollipops
and gave us the keys to the bouncy castle. The popular face painting was not to be missed again.

I would like to thank our excellent cooks Lukáš and Irenka, the amazing Mrs. Musilová, who took care of the order throughout the camp and baked unbeatable cakes, and especially Janci and all the girls who went along with me.

Bc. Lucie Adámková
camp leader

Photo gallery 188 fotek


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