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Municipal water and waste management

28. January 2019 | Ratiboř

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During January 2019 an inventory check of water meters was carried out throughout the village.

Most of the water meters were photographed and rechecked during the water logging process. We have 407 water meters connected in the village, none of which are sealed. According to the law, water meters should be changed after a maximum of 6 years. We can only fit 60 water meters into this standard, so 347 water meters must be replaced and all 407 water meters must be sealed. In February, 50 new water meters and seals were purchased. The bulk replacement would cost approximately CZK 280,308 incl. VAT excluding labour. We managed to find a company from Solnica, which deals with refurbishing old water meters, so we will get almost half the price.

This one-off replacement would be a big investment, so we have planned it over the next four years to ensure that the same problem does not occur again in the next six years and the municipality does not have to pay this high amount at once. After the first part of the water meters have been replaced, the hydrants will be checked for functionality.

The sewerage system will undergo a similar check. For houses where it will not be possible to determine whether or not it is connected, a camera truck will be loaned to monitor the sewers in agreement with VaK Vsetín.

Other planned actions in the near future are the connection to the municipal water tank under the drying plant and the part of the village at the lower end from the construction sites to the cycle path and the construction of booster stations in Hološín, at the transmitter and in Nepeklov, where there is a great shortage of water.

The sludge storage tank at the sewage treatment plant was inspected and repaired and the airing was repaired. The upper concrete rim of the tank, which is partially hollowed out, is still to be repaired. The roof on the CoV building will be replaced over the summer months and we would like to replace the old blowers with a new energy efficient hybrid blower as part of the electricity savings.

Michal Mrlina
Deputy Mayor

Photo gallery 3 fotek

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