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Repair of local roads and construction of pavements

16. December 2019 | Ratiboř

Article title

During the summer months, we continue to repair and pave sidewalks.

July 2019

At the moment we have started with the pavement from Malučke towards Jednota and we will continue with the pavement around the parking lot from the municipal office to the footbridge, where the pavement is currently not passable at all. Next we have to pave the upper end from the bus stop towards Mushrooms. The back kerb needs to be lifted in this area and the pavement then repaved. The last section will be from the Unity to the village office past the Falcon Hall. I cannot guarantee that all of these locations will be reconstructed this year, but we will do our best.

Update December 2019

During November, the second stage of the repairs of the local road at the lower end from Žabčíky to the main road was completed.
and the whole street from the bridge over the Builders' House to the cycle path.

In the first summer phase, the roads from the Sotsiyaki, including the streets below Skalka, have been resurfaced. We have also conditioned the acceptance of the finished work on the repair of the drains which were not well done. Their repair was provided by Swietelsky. The whole project cost CZK 5 122 711 and 70% of the amount was covered by the Ministry for Regional Development. We are also continuing the construction of pavements. By Christmas we would like to finish paving the busiest section in the centre of the village from the shop at Karol's to the footbridge. This should be followed by the trenching and laying of a new footpath from the bus stop at the lower end towards the village centre.

Update March 2020

Work will start during the spring to repair the local roads Dvorca, Red, Dryer.

This action has been supported by the Ministry for Local Development with a sum of CZK 4,090,463, which is 70% of the total amount. The municipality will pay its own share of CZK 1 753 055. In the tender procedure, the lowest price was offered by the company SWIETELSKY stavební s.r.o., with which the contract was subsequently signed. The roads mentioned above will have their shoulders reinforced, drainage gutters and reverda will be added and new concrete gutters and grates will be installed. The roads will then be resurfaced with new asphalt. The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of October this year. In Červeny, the road will be repaired from the main road to Kateřinice to the former landfill above the pond. The road to Dvorca will also be repaired from the main road in the whole section that has been penetrated so far. At Sušírna, the drainage from the upper side of the road has to be solved and then it will be repaired from Žabčíky to the connection to the border of the village of Hošťálková.

Update June 2020

Local road repairs are underway. The road towards Dvorca is already finished. In the section from Uhříki to Dvorca, the shoulders have been reinforced and ten new reverds (iron gutters for water drainage from the road) have been installed. The road was resurfaced with asphalt. A new culvert was also built for the stream under the road and the channel was cleaned.

The road repair work has moved to Červeny, where preparations are underway to lay asphalt. Ditching has been done and drainage gutters are being replaced. Another section already repaired is the local road between Růžičky and Vítky. Here, during the reconstruction of road II/437, flood protection measures were already carried out and only the laying of new asphalt was missing. It is one of the most frequently flooded streets during flash floods. Hopefully, these measures will be able to protect the family houses in the lower part of this street from flood water.

Update September 2020

During the summer, the final phase of repairs to the local road in Reds took place. The road was resurfaced from the main road to the woodpile (including the turnoff to the hunting area) and three upland culverts and five new reverts were installed to drain the water. In the lower section from the main road to the pond outlet, 200 m of new drainage gutters were installed. The work has now moved to the road to the Sušírna, where, due to the large amount of water flowing from the meadows, drainage is being carried out by burying a drainage pipe. After the overall preparations, the laying of the new asphalt surface should take place during the month of October.

The reconstruction of the new pavements continued during the holidays. We deliberately started in the busiest section from the municipal office to the intersection by the Jednota, where there is the most pedestrian traffic. The most risky section around the gymnasium was solved. Construction is now continuing at the upper end from the bus stop towards Mushrooms, where the back kerb is being redone throughout and new paving will be laid afterwards.

We thank all the citizens for their patience and understanding.

Update December 2020

At the end of November the reconstruction of local roads in our village was being finalised. As soon as the drainage drains were laid, the asphalt surface could be laid and the road Na Sušírně to the border with Hošťálková got a new coat.

At the upper end, the damaged parts of the roadway were repaired at the Bortl and Heriánů exits and the street at Adámků was newly asphalted.

Sidewalk reconstruction continues at the upper end. To date, the section from the bridge to Hříbkovy has been completed, where new kerbs have been concreted and paving laid. As in the centre of the village, we have chosen a different paving composition in the bus stop area, including a border of granite blocks, so that the pavements throughout the village are not just grey. We are also continuing the reconstruction at the upper end from Vrážely to the crossroads at Zubíky. Weather permitting, we would like to complete this section by the end of the year.

Update March 2021

As soon as the weather allowed, we started work on the pavement section along the football field. The back kerbs have been replaced and new paving will now be laid. Where the pavements have been narrowed, spaces have been created for planting greenery. The section has been completed to connect the pavements on both sides of the main road.

Update June 2021

New paving has been completed on the footway section around the football pitch. Once all the pavements at the upper end were completed, planting of plants and trees was then carried out in the narrower areas, directed by Mrs Dančák.

Photo gallery 26 fotek


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