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Evaluation of the regional round of the Village of the Year 2019 competition

16. July 2019 | Ratiboř

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Eight municipalities from the Zlín Region participated in this year's Village of the Year competition in the rural development programme. Ratiboř was one of them. We welcomed the evaluation committee on Wednesday 19 June 2019 and had two hours to introduce our village and life in it.

The whole presentation started with a welcome in front of the municipal office and then we continued in the ceremonial hall where a presentation of the planned projects and the strategic plan was prepared. Then in the meeting room Štěpán Janíček had prepared a presentation of the infocanal, website, newsletter and all promotional items. The committee was very impressed with our information system. From the municipal office we went in a fire truck to the church, where the parish priestess was waiting for us with the ensemble Bells of Good News. The girls played two songs and we talked about the tour in America. From the church we headed to the library where our librarian, Ester, had a nice presentation prepared. This was followed by a quick move to the collection yard. Here we gave a presentation on the implementation of Phase II of the yard upgrade, the recycling of construction debris, the new waste management system we will be implementing, and the deposit cups. From the collection yard we walked to the museum in Borca. On the way we discussed the bark beetle calamity and the management of the municipal forests. In Borčí we had a tasting of local products - marmalades, syrups, homemade liqueurs, pates and sausages. Mr. Vacek took the floor and introduced the military museum. Children from Kosáček danced and sang and Bára Mrlinová (now Machálková) talked about the work of the ensemble. The time passed quickly and the commission was already waiting for Mrs. Sušňová in the bakery at Karol's, where the members of the commission were introduced to the traditional production of Ratiboř bread. After this tour, we were already approaching the final. The garden of the kindergarten was covered with tents, in which all the associations we have in Ratiboř were already waiting impatiently. There were twelve in total and each one was introduced and had the opportunity to present their activities. There were also representatives of the micro-region and MAS Střední Vsetínsko. The Commission tasted the royal goulash from Mr. Vrba, watched a demonstration of a theatre play by Ratiboř amateur actors and at the end we said goodbye to everyone by singing the Wallachian anthem We are Wallachians. The whole two hours passed very quickly, but in a pleasant friendly spirit.

On Monday, 24 June 2019, we were invited by the chairman of the committee to the regional office in Zlín, where a press conference was held from ten o'clock, at which the results were announced. First, we received a Diploma for the preservation of folk traditions and a financial reward of 20 000,- CZK. We thought that was a great award for us and we were satisfied. But then came the shock. Ratiboř became the Village of the Year 2019 of the Zlín Region, said the chairman of the commission and the mayor of Slavkov, Mr Libor Švardala. At that moment, an incredible carousel of euphoria, congratulations, happiness and pride started. According to the committee, we won the first prize for our strategic planning, intensive approach to the village renewal, support for the creation and maintenance of folk traditions and their presentation, active and rich cultural and social life and varied social activities. The award for the golden ribbon is CZK 500,000 from the Zlín Region and CZK 1,000,000 from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Czech Republic.

Once again, I must stress that this victory really belongs to all of you. To the whole village. There were the village leaders before us, who have their merit, the citizens who have contributed for years and years with their voluntary work for the village, the associations that work wonderfully, in short, all Ratiborians.

At the same time, I would like to invite you to the Ceremony of the Regional Competition Village of the Year 2019, which will be held on 28 July 2019 in the parish garden in Ratiboř. The national round of the competition will take place on 6 September 2019 at 13.30. Come and support us all.

Thank you, Your Mayor
Martin Žabčík

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