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Extension of the water supply network and road repairs

16. July 2019 | Ratiboř

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Water is becoming a big issue in our community as well. We are building new water connections.

In particular, applications for connection to the municipal water supply are increasing enormously. We are gradually trying to cover them all, but in many cases this means extending the main line of the municipal water supply so that we can connect some locations at all. The water in the wells is getting scarcer and scarcer, and so the pressure to connect is getting higher and higher. We are also getting to places where the pressure of the reservoir is no longer sufficient and we are forced to look for options to provide water in these locations.

One of these challenging locations is Hološín and Holíkův vrch. Here, an ATS booster station is already being designed to provide sufficient water pressure for about 100 households. The ATS station will ensure water supply in the upper part of Holoshin and in the area near the cottages.

Another station was planned for Nepeklov Street. However, this has been changed as the family houses at Susirna are being connected. This brings us to the very border of the cadastre. The municipal council was approached by the municipality of Hošťálková asking for help in solving their drinking water supply problems. An agreement was reached that in the part of Hošťálková near the treatment plant, family houses will be connected to water from Ratiboř, while Hošťálková will build an ATS station at its own expense and allow Ratiboř to connect the street in Nepeklov from the Hošťálková side. However, the connection of the water supply systems will not take place. The Ratiboř Municipal Council has set a condition that water from the Hošťálková water supply must not enter the Ratiboř water supply. This will be ensured by a set of check valves that will prevent this.

Thanks to this cooperation, there will be considerable savings on the expansion of the water supply network, with the municipality saving at least half a million crowns on the ATS station it would have had to build in the upper part of the municipality. It is also a fine example of cooperation between two neighbouring municipalities that can help each other in difficult situations.

At the same time, we have asked VaK Vsetín to increase the annual water intake from the current 80 000 m3 to 120 000 m3. Another task is to revive the well system in Kobelny under the tow. This was the original source of municipal water. The wells and the water reservoir in Kobelny must be repaired and cleaned and further maintained. We need to provide an alternative source of water in case of outages and accidents.

Martin Žabčík

update 10/8/2019:

The streets on Skalka and the street to the transmitter have been resurfaced. The remainder of the section from the Frogs to the main road and the entire street from the bridge at Krajcik to the bike path will be completed by the end of November as a new water main is being constructed and 22 connections to houses will be connected. The water network was also extended at the upper end from Hajdy to the end of the road at Sušírna, where five new connections were built. In the next phase, the water supply line will continue to the border with Hošťálková, where four more connections will be built.

Michal Mrlina
Deputy Mayor

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