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Climate change and us – Discussion with meteorologist Michal Žák

Datum: 19. November 2024

Article title

19 November 2024 at 4 p.m. at the Ratiboř Community Centre…

During a 50-minute lecture by a leading Czech meteorologist, moderator and educator, the participants learned about the real threat of climate change impacts that we are currently experiencing.

Mr. Žák presented the scientific perspectives as well as the real impacts of climate change and possible adaptation and mitigation goals that every individual, community, state and the entire planet should have. Attendees were presented with trend graphs specifically for the municipality of Ratiboř, which showed, for example, the development of the number of tropical days or nights or the development of the number of days with snow cover of at least 10 cm.

The subsequent half-hour discussion was marked by more and less expert questions on the topic "Climate change and us".


As part of the Be Ready project, we would like to invite you to a discussion on "Climate Change and Us", led by meteorologist and popularizer Michal Žák. Mr. Žák will give a short presentation on the topic followed by a discussion.

Plakát Climate change and us – Discussion with meteorologist Michal Žák

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