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Autumn flood

15. September 2024 | Ratiboř

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The floods that hit us this year were a bit different than all the previous ones...

Once in a while a big water or a local flood comes, we are used to it in our mountains. We know how to handle it and often the big water is quickly passed over and the damage is minimal. But this autumn we were surprised by the forecast and warning that preceded the flood. Three days before, we were strongly warned of the impending danger, and this was compounded by the activation of the state's emergency system, including flood committees at all levels. The information, alerts and warnings that began to reach us convinced us that the situation would be serious and that we needed to prepare. Based on these alerts, we proceeded to take the necessary measures in our community to minimize the damage. As a standard practice, we are clearing mountain grates, culverts, and swales, which quickly become clogged with silt from the mountains, prior to the predicted high water. This is because most of the time the high water comes from some part of the forests. Our staff have really thoroughly checked all the crisis points that are likely to be problematic in high water. At the same time, on the basis of a call from the Governor of the Zlín Region, we also took measures that we do not normally take. We have been warned that the next 45 hours will be critical. Sandbags began to be prepared and on Friday they were placed in the problem areas. A flood committee consisting of the Mayor, Vice Mayor, Fire Chief and Municipal Engineer was also activated.

On Friday, the commission decided to put all municipal staff and the volunteer fire department on standby. I guess we were all hoping that the predictions of the hydrometeorologists would not come true and it would just be a false alarm. However, on Saturday 14 September, the prediction came true to the letter. At 12:42 a.m., the flow meter at the municipal office reported flood level I. This was the signal for the flood committee to begin its work, which decided to activate the fire department, and at the same time the municipal staff was called in to begin filling sandbags. Within a short time, volunteers joined the workers. It was decided to construct flood barriers on the Katherine River behind the municipal office and at the raft in the street near Stanki. At 15:11 the gauge was already reporting flood level II and following this we received a notification from Kateřinice that the first wave of the torrential rain was coming. By that time everyone was already working hard. The flood patrols reported the places where we needed to intervene. The municipal excavator dug up the forest road to the camp in several places, as a huge amount of water was pouring from the Dvorca site, which started to flood the access road to the village. For a short while, the police closed the road so that the excavator could remove the deposits around the road and the water began to flow into the lagoon towards Pržno. At the same time, the level of the Kateřinka River began to rise sharply.

Tree trunks started to catch on the footbridge near Zahradníky, which the tractor with a dumper was trying to remove. However, the flood wave was so strong, and the flooded material was increasing at such a rate, that it was decided to remove the footbridge from the stream bed to prevent a dam from forming and the stream from overflowing. Another problem arose at the Valchář press factory, where a pond located just behind the factory threatened to burst. Firefighters and municipal staff, together with the owner of the company and his employees, made every effort to build a floodwall at the supply gate to the hall to prevent flooding in the event of a breach. In the meantime, the agricultural cooperative had cleared the yard, as it was assumed that the storm surge would go in that direction. Fortunately, the breach did not occur.

Once the tidal wave had passed and the level of the streams had been lowered, all the crisis points were cleared of debris and bags were added to the necessary places.

After 6 p.m. all the responders gathered at the municipal office where the girls prepared refreshments for them. At the same time, the situation was evaluated and further action was planned, because the worst was yet to come, according to the forecast. During the night from Saturday to Sunday it rained heavily and in the morning the levels of the streams were rising again. At 5:32 a.m. on Sunday morning, flood stage II was again reported. Again, all personnel and firefighters were called. The situation began to deteriorate dramatically very quickly. Within a short time we had a report of a Level III flood in Katherinice and a warning that this time the storm surge was even larger and faster. Within a short period of time, the level of both the Kateřinka and the Ratibořka rose rapidly. The firefighters still managed to install sandbags at all the doors of the Ponorka service house. By that time, water had already begun to rise from the creek beds. The Katherine River spilled behind the municipal office. However, thanks to the protective berm made of bags, the surge was able to return to the riverbed and did not flood the centre of the village as in the past. At that time, flood stage III had already been declared in the village. A bigger problem occurred at Stavebnin when the creek spilled from the bridge and flooded the street. There was nothing to be done in that area except to close the street and wait for the water to return to the riverbed. Firefighters with municipal equipment were in contact with the homeowners to determine any needs. Water also spilled in Zápotočí, where it flooded several gardens. Fortunately, it did not reach the houses, but several cellars were flooded. At the lower end of the village, the Hrabinka brook spilled and began to flood the road and clog the sewer system. At the same time, the grates in the street in Migalka became clogged and water began to flow down the street towards the main road. Here, the firefighters managed to clear the drainage channels in a short time and the water quickly returned to the blockage. A crisis situation arose in Červeny, where a pond started to spill over the dam and began to wash out the garage area. It was necessary to create a gully on the dyke to channel the outflow of water and prevent the garages and the collection yard from being washed away. Here the situation was really critical, because the outflowing water was also filling the pond behind the mill and the risk of a breach was multiplied.

The situation was also worsening at the municipal sewage treatment plant, which began to flood and had to be shut down.

After 8.00 a.m., the water started to recede. After a short rest in the form of breakfast, which was again prepared by the girls at the municipal office, the cleaning work started. It was necessary to remove washed-out mud in the streets, deposits on the mountain grates and to pump water from the flooded cellars. Municipal equipment and the fire department worked around the clock until late in the afternoon to remove the effects as soon as possible. Disposal of the flooded material, sandbags and other cleanup was still underway during Monday and Tuesday.

After the water receded, the damage was counted, which amounts to tens of millions of crowns. The footbridge at the Gardeners and the Jednota was completely destroyed. This will be removed shortly so as not to tempt our school children to climb over the barriers and onto the footbridge. In this case we have already applied for a grant and are awaiting its evaluation. This should result in the construction of a new footbridge in the spring months. In addition, forest paths, bank fortifications on the Ratibořka and Kateřinka rivers, including the raft in the centre of the village, have been damaged. The bridge on Hološínka was undermined and the dam of the pond in Červeny will have to be repaired. A landslide in Zápotočí is of great concern to us. After the forest was cleared as part of the reconstruction of the high voltage line that supplies electricity to the village of Kateřinice, the slope was exposed. The geological service will be asked to assess the situation and propose measures.

Even though we had a difficult weekend, the damage left after the flood is negligible compared to what we see in Jesenice and many other locations.

We can only be thankful that there is a historic stream bed in the centre of the village to cope with extreme surges of water. Thanks to this, the entire centre from the confluence of the Ratibořka and Kateřinka is protected, including the lower end of the village.

Once again, I would like to thank the members of the flood committee, municipal staff, members of the fire department and volunteers for their intense and tireless commitment and dedication in challenging conditions. Also to Mr. Bohumil Zbranek for his work with heavy equipment, ZD Mír for providing sandbags, which the cooperative donated to the municipality free of charge.

Martin Žabčík / Mayor

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