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Danube Day

28. June 2024 | Ratiboř

Article title

Three EU-funded international projects, led by Bulgarian organisations, address the resilience of the Danube region to climate change...

Danube Day, 29 June, is the date on which the Danube Convention was signed 30 years ago. The Danube is the second largest river in Europe, covering 817,000 km², flowing through 10 countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine) and its basin is made up of 9 other countries (Switzerland, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Kosovo).

Since the beginning of 2024, three international projects, under the INTERREG Danube Programme, led by Bulgarian organisations, are working to transform the Danube basin into a greener, more adaptable and climate-resilient region. The theme of this year's Danube Day is "Water for Peace". It highlights the vital role of water management in fostering understanding, supporting communities, environmental sustainability and urban development.

In their new projects, three international consortia led by Bulgarian organisations are striving to find a balance between human needs, ecosystem health and climate resilience.

Sofia Development Association

The Sofia Development Association leads a consortium of 19 partners from 12 countries that are developing tools to address urban heat islands. The Be Ready project aims to provide local and regional authorities with tools to identify urban heat islands and understand the causes of their occurrence and their consequences on human health, work capacity...

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