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Retention tanks at municipal buildings

24. July 2023 | Ratiboř

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We are gradually building retention tanks at municipal buildings. Rainwater retention is a step towards self-sufficiency and great savings in drinking water...

During 2021, we prepared project documentation for the installation of rainwater retention tanks at municipal buildings. Water will be collected from the roofs of these buildings and then used for irrigation needs of the municipal green areas, and gradually some buildings will switch to using rainwater for flushing toilets. The project also includes the connection of the cemetery and the use of rainwater also for irrigation of plantings on graves.

If the installation of the tanks is implemented, there will be a significant saving in potable water consumption and the retention of a relatively large volume of rainfall within the municipality.

Update March 2023

Six new detention basins will be constructed within our municipality during this year. Excavation work for the first of these, in the parking lot of the Soccer Hall, will begin in early April. Gradually, the others will be installed at the Swazarm and behind the municipal office. During the summer holidays, work will continue in the garden of the primary school, the kindergarten and by the church. The last retention tank will be installed by the football field. The tanks will collect rainwater from the roofs of the municipal buildings. This water will then be used for the maintenance of the municipal green, the football field and, in the future, for flushing the toilets in the municipal buildings. TM Stav won the tender for the project. The total price for the work is set at CZK 8,863,109 excluding VAT. The subsidy from the State Environmental Fund amounts to 85% of the total amount.

Update June 2023

The three retention basins have been settled to completion. A concrete tank with a total volume of 16.9 m3 has been installed at the Soccer Hall parking lot. A concrete tank of 25 m3 is also installed behind the municipal office and the third tank is finished at the Swaziland. This retention tank is plastic and has a volume of 12.3 m3. All tanks will collect rainwater from the mentioned municipal buildings. The water will be used for green maintenance and in the future it is planned to connect the pipes to the buildings to be used for flushing toilets. The overflows of all the tanks lead to the stream. During the summer holidays work will continue at the football pitch, the primary school garden, the nursery school and the church.

Once all the tanks are installed, we will be able to hold over 120 m3 of rainwater. This is more than half the volume of the municipal water tank.

By gradually using it for toilets in the municipal buildings, for irrigation of the green areas and water supply in the local cemetery, there will be a relatively large saving in drinking water consumption. Since this year there was a dramatic increase in the price of drinking water by the water company VaK Vsetín, when water was increased by 4 CZK/m3, this measure is not only an ecological matter in the field of water retention, but also a step towards greater self-sufficiency and savings.

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