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Christmas concerts 2024

Datum: 20. November 2024

Good News Bells

Article title

The bells are ringing, Christmas is just around the corner

❄️ This year we invite you to our Christmas concerts, which will visit cities all over the country. In the daily hustle and bustle, let's find a moment to stop, rest and experience the festive atmosphere together. ✨ Christmas is not only about gifts and preparations, but mainly about being together. ❤️ Come soak up the festive atmosphere, enjoy melodies full of well-being and tune in to the magic of Christmas together.  We will bring you moments of joy at every concert, whether you come alone, with family or friends. Together we will remember what makes Christmas so special - not only the music, but mainly the feeling of being able to spend time with the closest ones. ❤️
🎶 Where we meet:

📍22. November: Beef, 6 p.m.
📍29. November: Kateřinice, behind the OU, 6 p.m.
📍30. November: Zvonice Soláň, 2 p.m.
📍1. December: Valašská Polanka, 2.30 p.m.
📍1. December: Zlín, náměstí Míru, 5.15 p.m.
📍8. December: Halenkov, 6 p.m.
📍14. December: Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Janíkova stodola, 11 a.m.
📍14. December: Horky u Čáslav, 7 p.m.
📍15. December: Planá nad Lužnicí, 3 p.m.
📍15. December: Jihlava, Masarykovo náměstí, 6 p.m.
📍17. December: DS Lukov, 2 p.m.
📍20. December: Valašská Polanka, private event, 4:30 p.m.
📍22. December: Ratiboř, "URBI ET ORBI", 4 p.m.
📍29. December: Štípa near Zlín, 5 p.m.
📍12. January 2025: Karviná
📍19. January 2025: Vsetin

🎄 We look forward to seeing you! 💚

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