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Carillon concert

Datum: 13. July 2024

Good News Bells

Article title

final performance after the camp

We cordially invite you to the traditional concert that closes the 14th year of the International Carillon Camps.

We look forward to you!


We cordially invite you to the traditional concert, which takes place on 13 July 2024 from 4 p.m. in the Ratibor church and closes the 14th year of the International Carillon Camp.

We look forward to you!

From the bottom of my heart, I would also like to thank EVERYONE who helps prepare and organize the camp. We also thank our sisters from the choirs (Kateřinice and ČCE Ratiboř) who baked buns and various goodies for every day. At the same time, we thank ČCE Kateřinice for providing the church space. We thank the Municipality of Kateřinice for providing space, support and always self-sacrificing approach, as well as the Municipality of Ratiboř for their friendliness and support. Thank you Penzion Hora for the excellent lunches. I am looking forward to the next year, which I believe will be just as strong and we will all meet again.

...have a nice rest of the holidays

P.S.: you can find more photos from the concert on our FB page
Plakát Carillon concert

Photo gallery 12 fotek


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