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Handbell weekend 2024

7. February 2024 | Zvonky Dobré zprávy

Good News Bells

Article title

A younger group attended the event

The weekend started on Friday, February 2, when we all met in the ČCE clubhouse in Kateřinice. At the beginning, the bell weekend program was presented, and then we started practicing new songs. This was followed by dinner, for which we thank our wonderful Mrs. E. Kamasová - it was sour. In the evening, we tried out new songs and prepared a dance game and started it on Just Dance, and played the popular city of Palermo.

We started the Saturday day with a warm-up, breakfast, and from 9:00 an intensive rehearsal began, when we gave the children two more new songs. For lunch we had a pasta salad - from Zuzanka - and with full bellies the children could rest in peace in the afternoon. The afternoon was devoted to learning about bells, notes, dynamics and rhythm. It is important to practice playing techniques and improve, we believe that this helped the children a lot! In the evening we carried the bells to the church together and gave a sound check.

On Sunday, morning hygiene was followed by a quick breakfast and hooray for the church, where a "concert" awaited us at the services. We played 4 pieces and the 5th piece was sung with us by the participants of the services and Emilka Adámková accompanied us on the organ.

Thank you very much to EVERYONE who baked us buns or savory desserts, cooked food, helped in any way with the preparation and cleaning of the clubhouse and bells. We appreciate friends like you!

We believe that the children enjoyed the weekend and are already looking forward to the summer bell camp.

We look forward to seeing you again next year HELLO!

Photo gallery 27 fotek


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