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The Americans have arrived

6. September 2022 | Zvonky Dobré zprávy

Good News Bells

Article title

The Americans have arrived

After a three-year hiatus, our bell camp took place in July with friends from Pittsburgh. After three years, we were able to welcome them, hug them, talk to them and not be separated by a computer screen. Many things have changed, everyone experienced this time differently, but our friendship has not changed. As we do every year, we started the camp with a barbecue party. On Monday, we welcomed new people interested in playing the handbells to the camp, as well as new friends from the Hungarian Szironta carillon, with whom we plan further cooperation.

At the camp, we improved playing hand bells, English and had self-defense lessons. Apart from these activities, we had lectures on musical instruments, then on J. A. Comenius, then on herbs and also physiotherapy, which was very informative for us. We tried the Macramé technique, baked American cookies together, batiked T-shirts and learned about how to behave safely on the road. We thank everyone who enriched the program from the bottom of our hearts. The camp program was so full that we didn't even know it was the end of the week, so we headed for a trip to Fulnek and our first joint concert in Velká Lhota. On Saturday, as every year, we ended the camp with a concert in Ratiboř led by conductor Richard Pinkerton.

After the concert, the farewell came, which we were all afraid of the whole week, it was full of emotions and impressions. We exchanged gifts, said goodbye and went to our homes. We have to brag, the ensemble members received gloves with the initials of their own names. We would like to thank everyone who participated, and we also thank everyone who helped us in any way, be it with a smile, financially or with hospitality. From September 6, 2022, every Tuesday from 5:00 p.m., exams for beginners take place in the Katerini clubhouse, applications can be downloaded from the website. If you do not manage to submit the application by the required date, it does not matter, contact our Zuzka Vítková (leader of this group) and she will give you all the information. If you are not sure whether bells would interest you, come and see a demonstration class. In the fall of October 3, 2022, our clubhouse in Kateřinice will be officially opened. After that, we will change our songs to Christmas songs, because Advent is usually filled with a lot of concerts. We will be happy to meet you at one of them.

We look forward to you…

Andrea Kubickova

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