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New General Practitioner for Children and Adolescents

31. January 2020 | Zdravotní středisko

Health Centre

Article title

From 1 February 2020, MUDr. Tereza Martincová will practice in Ratiboř and Hošťálková.

MUDr. Alena Zatloukalová announces that as of 31 January 2020, she is ceasing to work as a GP for children and adolescents in Ratiboř and Hošťálková. The mobile number is also being cancelled. MUDr. Tereza Martincová will continue to provide the services of the General Practitioner for Children and Adolescents from 1 February 2020. The location of the surgery and the surgery hours remain unchanged, the contacts remain the same:

+420 571 442 064 (Ratiboř)
+420 571 442 126 (Hošťálková)

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