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Testing at the beginning of the school year

31. August 2021 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

More detailed information on testing at the beginning of the school year...

Dear Parents,
at the beginning of the school year, children will undergo three mandatory antigen tests.

The first testing will take place on Thursday, September 2, and the next testing will take place on Monday, September 6 and Thursday, September 9.

Children who do not need to be tested:

  • have been diagnosed with Covid19 and are within the protection period of 180 days from the first positive test (to be documented by a certificate with the date of the positive test),
  • provide proof of a negative test result at the sampling site.

These must be reported to the class teacher.
Children will use respiratory protection (surgical drape) only in the common areas of the building (hallways, locker rooms).
If a child refuses to participate in testing, he/she may not participate in full-time instruction and the school is not obligated to provide distance education.

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