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Organisation of teaching at Ratiboř Primary School from 4.1.2020

30. December 2020 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

Information on the organisation of teaching at Ratiboř Primary School from 4.1.2020

Instruction on the organisation of teaching from 4 January 2021

According to the Education Act, the personal presence of pupils in primary education is prohibited outside the 1st and 2nd grades. Attendance will be carried out under epidemiological measures (mouth and nose protection).

1st and 2nd grade - full-time teaching in school according to the timetable.

3rd - 5th grade - distance learning according to school rules. Participation in distance learning is compulsory. Teaching on the Microsoft Teams platform. Information mainly via the EduPage system.

Pupils without laptops can borrow them again at school daily from 12.30 pm.

School day care: from the end of school until 4 pm.

School club: for Year 2 pupils until 4 pm.

School canteen: always open. Pupils in Years 1 and 2 eat in the school canteen in accordance with the school's catering arrangements. If a parent does not require a school lunch, they will sign out in the usual way.Pupils in Years 3-5 will be signed out en masse on 4 January 2021 .

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