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Visit the library

13. November 2024 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

During the month of October, all classes of our school visited the library...

Each class had a special program corresponding to the age and interests of the children.

Our first graders got acquainted with the library environment. The librarian showed them how the library works, where they can find their favourite books and what the library has to offer. A fun activity was to search for books according to the assignment - for example, by colour or picture on the cover. The second graders went on a "Wandering Poem Quest". During the visit, they discovered the beauty of poetry for children, got acquainted with different poems and nursery rhymes. Together they read some of the poems and even attempted to recite them. The third class delved into the world of illustrations. The pupils got acquainted with important Czech illustrators of children's books. They got to know, for example, the works of Adolf Born, Helena Zmatlíková or Josef Lada. The fourth graders explored the fascinating world of comics. The librarian introduced them to different types of comics and their specifics. The children were able to see a wide range of comic stories and learned how such comics are created. The fifth graders explored the differences between fairy tales and stories. Special attention was paid to tales from our Wallachia region, which brought the children closer to the history of our region.

We would like to thank our dear librarian Jana for the excellent preparation of the programme for each class and her friendly and kind approach to the children. We hope that these visits helped to arouse the children's interest in reading and books in general.

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