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Halloween at school

12. November 2024 | Základní škola

Primary school

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We also experienced a Halloween atmosphere at school.

In each class there was a program in which the children learned about the difference between Halloween and Halloween and the traditions that these holidays bring with them. They made paper pumpkins, bats, scarecrows made of leaves and Halloween cards.
Fourth graders went on an adventurous journey through the world of Halloween, All Souls' Day and the Mexican holiday Día de los Muertos. During the project day, they connected several subjects and learned about these holidays from different perspectives. The day kicked off in the kitchen by making "apple mummies" out of puff pastry. In English, the children learned Halloween vocabulary and learned about traditions in English-speaking countries. This was followed by a knowledge part where they discovered the connections between the different holidays through the game "take a risk". Maths offered a Halloween riddle through a station with examples and on the computers the children went through a "spooky trail". They received gingerbread for completing the tasks and finished the day by tasting their own mummies.

The children dressed up in costumes, masks and Halloween accessories in the school nursery. The dedicated and skilful schoolmistress painted the children's faces according to their wishes and everyone made a pumpkin scratch. And the show can begin! We start with the song "I'm not afraid of scares" and a parade featuring scarecrows. Even two of them, Annie and Valentine, have birthdays on this day, so congratulations to them. Then the team game begins - a flashlight picture hunt and it's time for the first treat. We have a Halloween feast ready in the kitchen, and it was a great success! Thanks to the clever parents who prepared some really original treats, we have homemade pumpkin juice to go with them. After the refreshments, the scarecrows throw pumpkins into a basket with a sweet reward, followed by a parade and dancing. And for the brave children, there is a spooky trail to the cellar, where a witch with sweets is hidden in the glow of lanterns. After another taste of the goodies, everyone goes off on their own to find the treasure, which is guarded by a large black spider on the staircase and a treasure chest. We finish the three-hour pageant by painting spooky pictures and look forward to seeing you again next year!


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