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Autumn in the school nursery

23. October 2024 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

When the weather is nice, the children in the after-school club make full use of the school and parish gardens as well as the grounds in Červeny.

These areas are used not only for physical activities, but also for exploring and creating. A favourite place is the school's outdoor gazebo - a classroom where children draw, play, make things and also have snacks. 
As part of the autumn activities, the children learnt the basics of flower arranging. They made and took home an autumn bowl using flowers and herbs from the school garden. Another creative activity was making an autumn collage from collected leaves. 
We took an autumn expedition to the forest in Červeny. Everyone picked "columbines, columbines, or groundsel" and some collected moss and other natural plants. Although we went on and off road, no one got lost! 
We started using the interactive screen in a new way. This is used not only to watch stories, educational programmes and films or listen to songs, but also to listen to relaxing music. We also use it for creative tutorials and artwork. In this way, we meet the requirements for incorporating digital competences into teaching and education.

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