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Let's clean up our planet

23. September 2024 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

Pupils of Ratiboř Primary School took part in the Clean Our Planet...

On Friday, 20 September, our school was happy to join millions of volunteers from all over the world who are trying to clean up as much rubbish as possible in one day as part of the global WORLD CLEANUP DAY. For our school, we called this event "CLEAN UP OUR PLANET".

For more information about the global event, visit the official World Cleanup Day website:
See also the inspirational video for the day:

World Cleanup Day is an idea that grew out of a spontaneous national initiative called Let's Do It! in Estonia in 2008, when 4% of the population actively participated and cleaned the whole of Estonia in just five hours. Since then, the idea of national clean-ups has spread to more than 100 countries on every continent. The World Cleanup Day event was held for the first time on Saturday 15 September 2018. Globally, the event is organised by Let's Do It! World. The national coordinator for the Czech Republic is the Clean Up the Czech Republic association.

We would like to commend all the enthusiastic children and thank them for their help to our planet.

Photo gallery 19 fotek


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