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Prevention programme "We cook, we cook porridge"

3. April 2024 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

On Tuesday, April 2, a preventive program was held in the 3rd and 4th class under the guidance of Mr. Ing. Jan Plšek, which was aimed at strengthening the climate in the class collective.

The programme started with an interactive game with a club, during which the children told each other what they liked in the classroom and what they would like to change. This activity gave rise to a "web of friendship", which reminded all present that each member of the class has an irreplaceable importance and that each individual influences the atmosphere in the classroom by his or her behaviour.

The following story about a dog and a cat baking a cake together provided an excellent illustration for the children. It showed that cooperation and mutual respect are key to achieving a common goal and harmony in a group. 

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