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Halloween party at the after-school club

3. November 2023 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

On Wednesday, November 1, the children who attend the after-school club enjoyed a Halloween party.

The children happily dressed up in their costumes and it was a sight to see - skeletons, witches, Harry Potter, a dragon, a pumpkin. And the masquerade began in the playroom and in the garden. The children competed, for example, in a ghost pumpkin toss, which turned out to be a difficult task. But there was a sweet reward for the hit. The 4th grade girls did face painting and helped make a pumpkin mask and an autumn lantern, which everyone took home. The children brought candy and snacks. Moms baked "Halloween" finger puppets, bones, ghosts and ghouls. Thank you all so much, we enjoyed ourselves. A surprise and gift for the children was new play rugs for our playroom - Man, Don't Be Angry, dummy and town. We all really enjoyed this afternoon!

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