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Ctibor Cermak Memorial 2023

7. June 2023 | Základní škola

Primary school

Article title

On Friday 19 May 2023 the 10th edition of the Ctibor Čermák Memorial took place.

On Friday, May 19, 2023, the 10th edition of the Ctibor Čermák Memorial took place. Teams of pupils from Ratibor, Kateřinice, Hošťálková and a sister school from Hluboke Mašůvek also visited us. Four-member mixed teams competed in the following disciplines - running, air rifle shooting, grenade throwing at the target, knowledge of the Czech Republic, knowledge of plants and animals, first aid. The first place and the travelling cup was won by the team of the Ratiboř school. The second place went to the team of pupils from the primary school Hošťálková and the third place was again taken by pupils from our school. This event was an opportunity to establish new friendships, especially between the pupils of Ratiboř and Hluboke Mašůvek. The event ended with a Saturday trip to the Wallachian Museum in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm.

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