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International Swordfish Show in Holešov

19. July 2021 | Zahrádkáři


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From 31 July to 1 August 2021 at the Holešov Castle

Dear gardening friends and especially lovers of marigolds. We invite you to the International Swordfish Show organized by Gladiris.

The organization brings together growers and breeders of marigolds from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. It was founded 55 years ago. The exhibition is a celebration of this beautiful flower, bred into beautiful berets, shapes and sizes, destined to decorate beautiful castle halls, galleries and exhibition halls.

You will have the opportunity to see these various flowers at the exhibition at Holešov Castle from 31 July to 1 August 2021 (on 1 August the exhibition will be open until 3 pm only).

In light of the covid-19 pandemic, we encourage the public to check social media or phone for any updates on the event before it takes place. (tel.: +420 571 160 890)

The organizers of Gladiris cordially invite you to

Plakát International Swordfish Show in Holešov

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