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2. November 2020 | Zahrádkáři


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The autumn stage of the FLORA Olomouc 2020 exhibition took place on 1-4 October 2020.

The Czech Horticultural Association Vsetín has traditionally actively participated in this important prestigious event. For several years in a row we have achieved recognition and awards. It is not easy to build on our successes and improve our exposition. Thanks to the girls from your ZO, we have already succeeded in 2019, when our exposition was awarded as the best. This year has not been kind to exhibitions, even a few days before the deadline it was not known if the autumn 2020 stage would even take place. However, our team was ready. We were able to build on last year's success and our exhibit was again rated among the best. The very professional, witty and thematically prepared exposition attracted visitors. A great merit for the continuation of last year's success has members of your ZO - Mrs. Ester Miniariková and Mrs. Martina Valůšková. Very willingly, with great passion and enthusiasm, they prepared a diverse, very tasteful, handsome and interesting exhibition. I would like to thank them for their drive, commitment and honest approach.

Yours sincerely
Ing. Vítězslav Kotas
Chairman of the Board of Directors of ÚS ČZS Vsetín

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