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Mini Volleyball Tournament 2022

Datum: 21. May 2022

Volleyball players

Article title

On 21st of May 2022 in Ratiboř Sokol Hall was held a tournament in color volleyball for children from 1st–5th grade from Vsetín, Hošťálková and Ratiboř including overnight stay...

Color volleyball was divided into three categories according to the ability and age of the children.

The whole tournament was held in a friendly spirit, where there were winners, but there were no losers. Children and coaches enjoyed the tournament until the last moments. And thanks to the great contribution of the parents, there was also a lot of refreshments. No one was hungry or thirsty. After the end of the tournament, there was a fairy tale to lull the children to sleep, which was successful after the second fairy tale :-). Meanwhile the adults played volleyball and had a nice end of the day.

In the morning the children got up early to play "vybisha". Then we had breakfast, cleaned up and went home to sleep :-).

Thanks to all the parents for their support and goodies for the meal, thanks also to the coaches and our assistant coaches. And most importantly - thanks to the kids for loving volleyball as much as we do!!!

On behalf of all leaders Lada and Mirka

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