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Magnolia Stationary Program – March 2025

3. March 2025 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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The program is subject to change…

The clinic is always open on weekdays from 7:30 to 14:30, programs start at 9:00.

MON 3.3. Bake walnut muffins.
TUE 4.3. Bible lesson with f. Š. Marosz. Singing with Mr. Žabčík with harmonica.
WED 5.3. We create with Martina - spring binding. Remembering traditions - Ash Wednesday.
THU 6.3 Celebrating Midsummer - getting to know famous women. Remembering the International Women's Day.
FRI 7.3. Meeting with the Mayor of Jablonka. Wishing you a happy Midsummer.

MON 10.3. Transplanting houseplants.
TUE 11.3. Bible lesson f. J. Szwarz. Fun games in the hall "Deer hunting".
WED 12.3. Spring decoration - we make Easter decorations.
THU 13.3. Exercise with Svela.
FRI14.3 Travel talk with travelers Radek and Kristýna.

MON 17.3. We bake a pineapple cut.
TUE 18.3. Bible class. M. Esztok. Stretching on chairs.
WED 19.3. We create bookmarks with Danka.
THU 20.3. We create a spring bulletin board.
FRI 21.3. Meeting with the librarian Mrs. Vaculíková.

MON 24.3. Bake a layered apple cut.
TUE 25.3. Bible lesson with Mrs. M. Koňaříková. We play "Chicken Little".
WED 26.3. Pedicure. We play "Bingo".
THU 27.3. Yoga exercise with Sveta. Making synonyms.
FRI 28.3. Exercise with Sveta. Commemorating the anniversary of J.A. Comenius - memory training.

MON 31.3. Spring cleaning of flower beds.

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