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Magnolia Stationary Program – February 2025

31. January 2025 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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The program is subject to change…

The clinic is always open on weekdays from 7:30 to 14:30, programs start at 9:00.

MON 3.2. We bake cinnamon snails. Groundhogs – celebrating the holiday.
TUE 4.2. Bible lesson by J. Szwarcz. We make pumpkin compote. World Day of Prayer.
WED 5.2. Visit from librarian Mrs. Vaculíková.
THU 6.2. We practice with Světła. We make orange-ginger syrup.
FRI 7.2. We practice our feet – sensorimotor walkway.

MON 10.2. We bake Linz hearts.
TUE 11.2. Bible lesson by A. Zapletal + author's work.
WED 12.2. Singing with the guitar with Mr. Drga. We make heart-shaped fridge magnets.
THU 13.2. Fun games for seniors.

FRI 14.2. Singing with Míša. St. Valentine's Day - remembering our loves.

MON 17.2. Training the senses (taste, touch, smell...).
TUE 18.2. Bible lesson, f. J. Hurtá. Practicing with Světla.
WED 19.2. Remembering Shrovetide and frying donuts.
THU 20.2. Singing with the accordion. Talking about health with Katka.
FRI 21.2. Practicing with Světla. Tongue twisters.

MON 24.2. Baking pineapple slices. Playing skittles.
TUE 25.2. Bible lesson f. B. Czudkem.
WED 26.2. Baking salty snails.
THU 27.2. Memory training with Miluška.
FRI 28.2. We practice with Světla.

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