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Magnolia Residential Centre Programme – December 2024

29. November 2024 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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Change of programme subject to...

The residential centre is open on weekdays from 7.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., the programmes start at 9.00 a.m.

MON 2/12 Dough preparation - Christmas cookies. Meeting the Light - travelling I.
TUE 3/12 Bible lesson with f. J. Szwarc. Baking Christmas cookies.
WED 4/12 Our tradition "St. Barbara and St. Lucia".
THU 5/12 Meeting with children from Ratiboř Primary School + surprise. Our tradition "St. Nicholas".
FRI 6/12 Meeting with Sveta - travel II.

MON 9/12 Memory training with Milushka. Our tradition "St. Nicholas".
TUE 10/12. Bible lesson with f. Deer. Memory training with Milushka.
WED 11/12 Baking Christmas cakes with Daniel.
THU 12/12 Embroidering gloves and hats. Singing carols.
FRI 13/12 Visit of children from Ratiboř kindergarten. Guitar meeting with Mr. Drga.

MON 16/12 Preparation of dough for Christmas stars. Cooking punch.
TUE 17/12 Bible lesson with f. Š Marosz. Bake poinsettias.
WED 18/12 PEDICURE. Our tradition "Christmas Eve". We grease the stars with fudge.
THU 19/12 Exercise with Sveta. Sitting by the tree and singing carols.
FRI 20/12 Exercise with Sveta. Sitting by the tree and singing carols.

We wish you a blessed holiday season and a Happy New Year. Residential care will resume on Monday, January 6, 2025.

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