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Magnolia Residential Centre Programme - November 2024

1. November 2024 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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Change of the programme reserved.

The boarding house is always open on weekdays from 7.30 am to 2.30 pm, programs start at 9.00 am.

FRI 1.11. Bake an apple strudel. We are preparing winter decorations.

MON 4.11. Our tradition "Soulstice"- we remember.
TUES 5.11. Bible lesson f. Š. Marosz. Our tradition "Soulstice" ÷ we remember.
WED 6.11. PEDICURE. We candle the pumpkin. We play "Bingo".
Thu 7.11. Meeting with Sveta - we talk about traveling.
FRI 8.11. We remember "Our Traditions" - St. Martin. We practise our feet.

MON 11.11. We bake St. Martin's rolls. We remember "Our Traditions" - St. Martin.
TUES 12.11. B. Czudek. Meeting with Sveta - we talk about traveling.
ST 13.11. We make Christmas cards.
THU 14.11. We practice with Svetla. Guitar meeting with Mr. Drga.
FRI 15.11. World Student Day - remembering the student years.

MON 18.11. We create with Danka Kovářová. World Marriage Day - we remember.
TUES 19.11. M. Esztok. Preparing Podravka.
ST 20.11. We bake salty snails. We play "Chicken Little".
THU 21.11. We practice with Ludmila. We decorate gift bags. World Fishing Day.
FR 22.11. We practice memory with Miluska.

MON 25.11. World Milk Day - we make pudding cups.
Tue 26.11. Bible lesson f. Š. Marosz. We practice memory with Miluska.
ST 27.11. We practice with Svetla. We embroider hats and gloves.
TH 28.11. We create with Martina. We practice memory.
FR 29.11. We practice with Ludmila. Knowledge quiz Millionaire. Our tradition - Advent.

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