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Magnolia Residential Centre Programme - August 2024

31. July 2024 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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The residential centre is open on weekdays from 7.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., starting at 9.00 a.m.

Thu 1.8. Discussion with members of the "Gladiol" club from Ratibor - growing marigolds.
FRI 2.8. Making watermelon lemonade. Practice memory - word pyramid.

MON 5.8. We bake a zucchini cake.
TU 6.8. Bible lesson with pastor M. Jelinek. We play pétanque.
ST 7.8. We remember the songs of our youth.
Thu 8.8. We make homemade noodles. A joint exercise with elements of yoga with Mrs. Svetla R.
Fri 9.8. We practice with balls with Mrs. Ludmila.

MON 12.8. A walk to the library in Ratiboř. Board games.
TU 8/13 Bible lesson with Mrs. W. Jelinek. Stretching exercises with Mrs. Ludmila.
ST 14.8. Discussion with the mayor of Jablonka, Mr. Brinček.
Thu 15.8. Meeting with Mrs. M. Valůšková from Kateřinice - make-up with Mary Key cosmetics.
FRI 16.8. Making Uncle Beans from zucchini. We practice memory - fun tasks for seniors.

MON 19.8. Learning to breathe properly with Mrs. Svetla R. Crossword puzzles for seniors.
TU 20.8. Czudek. We prepare zucchini chalamade.
ST 21.8. We are finishing zucchini chalamade. Sitting at the accordion with Mr. Mayor Žabčík from Ratibor.
THU 22.8. Knowledge game "Millionaire".
Fri 23.8. We remember the Feast of the Dawn, Pilgrimage and the Feast of St. Bartholomew.

MON 26.8. We play pétanque with Svetla S. Celebration of the grain harvest, harvest festival - we remember.
TUES 27.8. Bible lesson with parish priest P. Čmelík. We prepare lecho.
ST 28.8. Farewell to summer - summer barbecue I. with Mr. Drga and guests.
Thu 29.8. Farewell to summer - summer barbecue II. and sitting by the guitar with Mr. Marosz.
FRI 30.8. Exercise with Mrs. Ludmila. Practicing memory and remembering the first day of school.

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