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January in Magnolia Ratiboř

15. February 2024 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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Despite the fact that in January we were attacked by viruses and germs, right after the New Year we all gathered again in full numbers.

We started the New Year with a Bible lesson and cooked lunch together. After Christmas we needed to stretch our bodies. We included regular exercises and games in the program.

In January we welcomed several guests, including the pastors at Bible class, Mayor Zabcik with his harmonica, and Mrs. Vaculik with a large bag of interesting and informative books. Mrs. Kamasová from Kateřinice, who is famous for baking delicious frgals, also came to visit us. Under her guidance and following her advice we baked a few pieces. That was the smell in the residential home! And right after Christmas we prepared a healthy fruit salad and our favourite spreads. January is also the time of the killing. Nowadays, we often don't get a chance to go to a killing, but our clients have good memories, so we reminisced about this period together and tasted some of the killing products. On the day when we dedicated to this topic, children from the Hošťálková Primary School, led by their teacher Danka Mrlinová, came to us and presented a skit. Together we sang together and had a headache during the killing quiz. It was wonderful to see how the children helped the seniors and they in turn advised the children. I think it was very rewarding for everyone.

We have a huge window in the nursing home which looks out onto the garden and the woods. We often get a glimpse of passing squirrels, deer and also birds. We like this scenery

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