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Pre-Christmas time in Magnolia

5. January 2024 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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Just as you know the big preparations for Christmas from home, we at Magnolia Residential Care Centre have not stopped before Christmas.

Back in November, we made gift bags and Christmas cards for all our friends who come to visit us, are happy to support us and with whom we have had the privilege of working with over the past year.

In December, we baked typical Christmas delicacies and scented not only the kitchen but also the entire residential centre with yeasted devils, cheesecake, honey gingerbread and vanilla rolls. Punch goes well with these goodies, so we made a potful. Non-alcoholic, of course!

December was already marked by a certain calming down and waiting for the coming of Jesus, as the name "Advent" suggests. We decorated a tree, which was donated by the municipality of Ratiboř and we talked about Advent and the customs observed in the pre-Christmas and Christmas period. We reminisced about the Christmas we had as children. After all, who would not like to remember this most magical time of the year.

At the beginning of December we welcomed our friends from the Magnolia Residential Centre in Vsetín on the occasion of the concert of the Morava School of Music. A big surprise was the arrival of St. Nicholas with an angel and a devil. (We would like to thank the members of the Ratiboř amateur theatre, hopefully our thanks to St. Nicholas and his entourage will go to J.) A big thank you also goes to the pupils and teachers of ZUŠ Morava for their amazing performances. Absolutely breathtaking was the performance of the Mowers extra for our clients, when the perfection of the whole band of songs and dances brought not only a smile to our lips, but also a tear to many eyes. Furthermore, in December, we were visited by the librarian Mrs. Alena Vaculíková with a selection of new books with current topics, we sang to the guitar with Mr. Zdeněk Drga and in the week before Christmas we sat by the tree and sang carols to the harmonica with the mayor of the village Martin Žabčík and to the guitar with the parish priest Štěpán Marosz. Each of the clients received a Christmas package made of products that we created together throughout the year. The whole pre-Christmas atmosphere was very friendly, kind, even touching.

Although Magnolia Residential Care Centre started its activities only in February last year, we have come a long way. We have gathered a great group of clients and staff. A big thank you to all the volunteers and friends of Magnolia who regularly come to visit us and help us to create a more varied programme. We wish everyone good health and strength in the new year 2024.


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