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September im Magnolia Residential Centre

24. October 2023 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

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Since the weather was good for us in September, it was unusually beautiful and warm, this month it was carried in our stationary in the sign of walks and also processing of crops.

You need to preserve vitamins for the winter and use what has been born. From zucchini grown on raised beds, we fried crisps and made spaghetti sauce, made cider and unbaked cake, loaded cabbage and made plum dumplings. We also made a healthy syrup from the rhyme tree.

If the weather wasn't right for us, we could devote ourselves to memory training, exercising with Ludmila Sova or creating autumn arrangements with Martina Valůšková. On Tuesdays we were visited by local parishioners during bible lessons and on the occasion of International Day of Charity by the director of the Vsetín branch, Jarmila Hyžáková, who told us about the history and current activities of this organization. We were happy to sing along to the guitar with our regular guest Zdenek Drga. Thank you to everyone who came to cheer us up with their smile and kind word.

The biggest highlight of the September programme was a trip to The Pinch, which everyone was looking forward to very much. First we were greeted pleasantly in the Kafarna there, and over a cup of good coffee we listened to Father Sedlacek talk about the history of the Pinion church, and then we looked inside and attended Mass. We kicked off the trip at the restaurant over a delicious lunch. We thank all the volunteers and Mr Březovski for the sponsorship that helped us to fund the transport by social bus. The trip went well and our clients remember it with a smile and look forward to further events together.

Photo gallery 14 fotek


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