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Trip to Štípa by Zlín

22. September 2023 | Stacionář Magnolia

Magnolia Station

Article title

Cloudless skies and pleasant temperatures, beautiful indian summer.

Such weather prevailed on September 7, when we embarked on a long-planned and expected trip to Štípa by Zlín. Eight clients from Stationary Magnolia from Vsetín and nine clients from Ratibora were already very much looking forward to the trip.

We went to Štípa from Vsetín and Ratibora in the early hours by social bus and cars. The road quickly ran away, and soon we were standing in front of the Church of the Nativity in Pinch. First we were greeted by Father František Sedláček in the Kafárna there. Over a cup of good coffee, Father Sedlacek jokingly told us about the church's creation. Some of us went to see the "old church" across the road and then the Holy Mass at the Temple of the Nativity began. At this pilgrimage site, we prayed for the clients as well as the staff and volunteers who took part in our trip and even got our homework to thank for their children and for their parents. We ended the eventful trip in a Pinchirestaurant over a delicious lunch. And then we went home again.

The trip went well beyond expectations. Many of the clients have looked into places they know well but haven't visited in years. A big thank you for the implementation belongs to all the clients of the stationary, who equipped themselves with a good mood for the trip, the workers and especially the volunteers without whose help we could not make the trip. We thank Father Sedlacek for his kind welcome and also mr. bus driver and female drivers of cars for safe transportation. Last but not least, Mr Březovski is to be thanked for making a financial donation to those who have been reimbursed for transport and refreshments.

Photo gallery 26 fotek


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