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Opening of the MAGNOLIA Day Care Centre

Datum: 1. February 2023

Magnolia Station

Article title

From 1st of February 2023, we are opening the Magnolia Day Care Centre in Ratiboř...

The mission of the Magnolia Residential Centre

The mission of the Magnolia Residential Care Center is to provide outpatient services to people over 65 years of age who have reduced self-sufficiency due to age or health limitations and who need the help and support of another person. According to their individual needs, to support their abilities and skills, to contribute to social inclusion and to resolve adverse social situations.

Objectives of the Magnolia Residential Centre
  • To provide support, assistance or care to persons over 65 years of age (users) who fall within the territorial scope of the Charity of Vsetín and for whom the type of service is suitable - day care centre.
  • To provide a safe space during the day for managing personal care, hygiene and provision of meals.
  • To train and consolidate users' skills, building on their interests and habits from their natural home environment.
  • To promote social links and socialising with peers, to facilitate contact with the social environment.
  • To help users' families to deal with their adverse social situation, to relieve carers, especially when they are at work.
Target group

The target group of the Magnolia Residential Centre is people over 65 years of age:

  1. who need help, support or care of another person due to reduced self-sufficiency,
  2. who want to spend their free time in a community of peers,
  3. whose unfavourable social situation makes it possible to combine a stay at home with a stay in a residential home.
Territorial scope

The service of the Residential Centre is provided in the territory of the Charity Vsetín (Vsetín, Mikulůvka, Bystřička, Kateřinice, Pržno, Růžďka, Jablůnka, Ratiboř, Hošťálková, Lhota u Vsetín, Liptál, Leskovec, Janová, Ústí, Liptál, Seninka, Valašská Polanka, Prlov, Pozděchov, Lužná, Valašská Senica, Lidečko, Lačnov, Horní Lideč, Francova Lhota, Střelná).

More information in the attached documents.

We are looking forward to cooperation.


Jana Flachsová, DiS.
Head of Magnolia – Ratiboř

Ratiboř 361, 756 21 Ratiboř
+420 797 864 968 |

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