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Autumn run to the highest mountain of Kateřinice

Datum: 8. October 2022

Six - Scouts

Article title

Let's do something for our health (not only) 8. 10. 2022...

Autumn run

Start from the upper bus turntable in Kateřinice/ B.F.P. grove, Lesy a statky Tomáš Bata, spol. s r.o.

  • Start: 10:00 - 12:00
  • Routes:

        (C) via Čečetkov - 8,3 Km - main route
        (T) along the Trail and back via the knee - 7,7 Km - suitable for prams and other wheelchairs
        (K) short Snoz up and back over the knee - 2.2 Km - suitable for buggies and other wheelchairs

  •  It is not necessary to run at all costs, the important thing is to enjoy it!
  • The weather is in our favour

The Kateřinice Six congratulates all participants!

Plakát Autumn run to the highest mountain of Kateřinice

Photo gallery 42 fotek




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