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Spring self-defence event

30. June 2017 | Sebeobrana Jiu Jitsu

Self-defence Jiu Jitsu

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The season continues successfully.

On 25th March 2017 we participated for the second time in the Championship of Moravia and Silesia in jiu jitsu randori - Championship in controlled self-defense. It was held in Krnov in the sports hall on two tatami, where fought 56 competitors from 6 schools. The competitors of all age groups showed techniques full of power, punch, precise punches and kicks, from the smallest to the oldest and most technically advanced competitors. Our school was represented by 8 competitors. In the younger pupils Sasha Jakubikova managed to win the 1st place. Other members of our team were successful, Jan Novosád 1st place in the category of men up to 38 years pupils, Petr Zubíček 2nd place in the category of senior pupils, Karel David 3rd place in the category of senior pupils, Marcel Regmund 3rd place in the category of men master class. Although the other members of our team (Petr Zubíček Jr., Jakub Kaňák, Lukáš Tatýrek) did not manage to get to the top positions, they still fought with full commitment and showed the best of their skills. After finishing we took away several praises and some good advice for the next races from the head judge of the race.

On the weekend of 12-14 May 2017 we organized a weekend training with members of the Rýmařov self-defense. We practiced in the premises of the Svazarm building. The exercise took place in a friendly atmosphere and was filled with new knowledge and experience in defence. The Sunday exercise was attended by karate students from Vsetin under the guidance of Petr Vágner, holder of the 2nd dan master degree in traditional karate. Sunday's training was thus divided into two halves. In the first part, jiu jitsu techniques were practiced and the second part was devoted to karate techniques and getting acquainted with its principles.

On June 4, 2017 we took a bike ride, the route led from Ratibor to Troják, Maruška lookout tower and Prženské paseky.

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