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Holiday self-defence events

16. September 2019 | Sebeobrana Jiu Jitsu

Self-defence Jiu Jitsu

Article title

How were the holidays?

Also during the summer holidays, self-defence training took place.On 16th August, after an agreement with Zbyněk Kovář, we held a shooting mini-course at the shooting range in Bystřička.

The aim of the course was to get acquainted with firearms. At the beginning we were given a safety briefing and then a lot of interesting information about theory and practice. The course was of great benefit
in terms of the perception of the weapon in self-defence both from the position of the defender and the attacker. Thanks to Zbyněk Kovář for a well prepared course.

At the beginning of September we organized a training camp in Dinottice. The time of the camp was filled not only with self-defense exercises, but also with a challenging "Finnish trail", archery, whip cracking and other activities.

We invite children and adults to our training sessions on Wednesdays from 15.30 to 16.30, on Fridays from 19.00 to 21.00 and on Saturdays from 18.00 to 20.00.

Marcel Regmund

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